In the question a circuit and a waveform for the input voltage is given. The diode in circuit has cutin voltage Vγ = 0. Choose the option for the waveform of output voltage vo :
In the question a circuit and a waveform for the input voltage is given. The diode in circuit has cutin voltage Vγ = 0. Choose the option for the waveform of output voltage vo:
In the question a circuit and a waveform for the input voltage is given. The diode in circuit has cutin voltage Vγ = 0. Choose the option for the waveform of output voltage vo
In the question a circuit and a waveform for the input voltage is given. The diode in circuit has cutin voltage Vγ = 0. Choose the option for the waveform of output voltage vo
For the circuit in fig. P.3.1.5, let cutin voltage Vγ = 0.7 V. The plot of vo verses vi for -10 ≤ vi ≤10 V is:
The circuit inside the box in fig. contains only resistor and diodes. The terminal voltage vo is connected to some point in the circuit inside the box. The largest and smallest possible value of vo most nearly to is respectively.
In the voltage regulator circuit in fig. the maximum load current iL that can be drawn is:
The value of power dissipated across the Zener diode (Vz=15 V) connected in the circuit as shown in the figure is x × 10−1 watts.
The value of x to the nearest integer is
In the voltage regulator circuit in fig the power rating of Zener diode is 400 mW. The value of RL that will establish maximum power in Zener diode is:
In the voltage regulator circuit in fig. the Zener diode current is to be limited to the range 5 ≤ iz ≤100 mA.
The range of possible load current is:
In the voltage regulator circuit in fig. the Zener diode current is to be limited to the range 5 ≤ iz ≤100 mA.
The range of possible load resistance is:
In the voltage regulator circuit in fig. the Zener diode current is to be limited to the range 5 ≤ iz ≤100 mA.
The power rating required for the load resistor is:
The secondary transformer voltage of the rectifier circuit shown in fig. is vs = 60 sin 2π 60tV. Each diode has a cut in voltage of Vγ = 0.6 V. The ripple voltage is to be no more than Vrip = 2 V. The value of filter capacitor will be:
The input to full-wave rectifier in fig. is vi = 120 sin2π60t V. The diode cutin voltage is 0.7 V. If the output voltage cannot drop below 100 V, the required value of the capacitor is:
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25 docs|247 tests