A bipolar transistor has an emitter current of 1 mA. The emitter injection efficiency is 0.99, base transit factor is 0.995 and depletion region recombination factor of 0.998. The base current flowing through the transistor is _____μA.
In a Bi-polar junction transistor the base width is 0.54 μm and base diffusion constant is DB = 25 cm2/sec. The Base transit time time is ________ × 10-10 sec
Find the value of bias resistor (in kΩ) if quiescent collector current and voltage value are 4.6 mA and 2.2 V. The transistor has DC gain 110, VBE = 0.7 V and VCC = 4.5 V.
Consider two pnp bipolar junction transistors. For the first transistor when emitter to collector voltage is 5 V, VEB is 0.85 V and emitter current is 10 A. (The β for this transistor is 15). Second BJT conducts with a collector current of 1 mA and VEB = 0.70. The ratio of emitter-base junction area of the first transistor to the second transistor is ______.
(Assume KT = 26 mV)
The leakage current of a transistor with usual notation are ICEO = 410 μA, ICBO = 5 μA, and IB = 30μA. Calculate the IC ________mA
For what value of current gain β , the given transistor will be in saturation
(Assume Vin = 5V, VBE(SAT) = 0.8 V , VCE(SAT) = 0.2V)
An npn bipolar transistor having uniform doping of NE = 1018 cm-3 NB = 1016 cm-3 and NC = 6 × 1015 cm-3 is operating in the inverse-active mode with VBE = -2V and VBC = 0.6 V. The geometry of transistor is shown
The minority carrier concentration at x = xB is _____ × 1014 cm-3
(Assume ni = 1.5 × 1010/cm3, Vt = 25 mV)
The common emitter forward current gain of the transistor shown is β = 100
The transistor is operating in
In a silicon PNP transistor the mobility of charge carries is μ4 = 1300 cm2/V-s and μp = 450 cm2/V-s and carrier life time τp = 0.10 μs. The most appropriate base width for effective transistor function is (Take T = 300° k)
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