Direction: Since birds don’t have houses where do they store food? In their throat. Yes, birds have a bulge below their throat called the ‘storage bag.’ Food stays there and can be coughed up for chicks to eat. Amazing isn’t it? Not having teeth is not an obstacle for birds. They have a special grinding organ called a Gizzard. Food is crushed by the muscles as it sloshes around the gizzard. Some birds swallow grit and small stones, these stay in the gizzard and help to grind the food.
Q. Amazing isn't it ? is about ?
Direction: Since birds don’t have houses where do they store food? In their throat. Yes, birds have a bulge below their throat called the ‘storage bag.’ Food stays there and can be coughed up for chicks to eat. Amazing isn’t it? Not having teeth is not an obstacle for birds. They have a special grinding organ called a Gizzard. Food is crushed by the muscles as it sloshes around the gizzard. Some birds swallow grit and small stones, these stay in the gizzard and help to grind the food.
Q. Not having teeth is not an obstacle for birds because ?
Direction: Dinosaurs developed in many different ways, but none of them ever developed a good brain. One of the reasons dinosaurs disappeared may be that they were not intelligent enough to know how to survive and escape from all their natural enemies. But some scientists believe that changes in the earth and in climate killed off the dinosaurs. Swamps dried up and mountains appeared, making life became difficult for dinosaurs that could not live on dry land . Also, changes in climate produced changes in vegetation, and since many dinosaurs were plant eaters, their food supply disappeared. Finally, as the earth began to have seasons, shifting from hot summers to snowy winters, dinosaurs could not fit themselves to these changes and gradually became extinct. There are other scientists who believe that the dinosaurs disappeared because of an incident that happened 65 million years ago. An enormous and very heavy asteroid hit the earth. There was a huge explosion and this caused tons of dust to be blasted into the earth's atmosphere. There was such a thick layer of dust covering our earth that it blocked out sunlight for as five years. That was how plants died and the dinosaurs were deprived of food. Eventually they starved to death.
Q. According to the passage, dinosaurs disappeared because ?
Direction: Dinosaurs developed in many different ways, but none of them ever developed a good brain. One of the reasons dinosaurs disappeared may be that they were not intelligent enough to know how to survive and escape from all their natural enemies. But some scientists believe that changes in the earth and in climate killed off the dinosaurs. Swamps dried up and mountains appeared, making life became difficult for dinosaurs that could not live on dry land . Also, changes in climate produced changes in vegetation, and since many dinosaurs were plant eaters, their food supply disappeared. Finally, as the earth began to have seasons, shifting from hot summers to snowy winters, dinosaurs could not fit themselves to these changes and gradually became extinct. There are other scientists who believe that the dinosaurs disappeared because of an incident that happened 65 million years ago. An enormous and very heavy asteroid hit the earth. There was a huge explosion and this caused tons of dust to be blasted into the earth's atmosphere. There was such a thick layer of dust covering our earth that it blocked out sunlight for as five years. That was how plants died and the dinosaurs were deprived of food. Eventually they starved to death.
Q. What did the many dinosaurs, who died due to starvation, feed on ?
Direction: Dinosaurs developed in many different ways, but none of them ever developed a good brain. One of the reasons dinosaurs disappeared may be that they were not intelligent enough to know how to survive and escape from all their natural enemies. But some scientists believe that changes in the earth and in climate killed off the dinosaurs. Swamps dried up and mountains appeared, making life became difficult for dinosaurs that could not live on dry land . Also, changes in climate produced changes in vegetation, and since many dinosaurs were plant eaters, their food supply disappeared. Finally, as the earth began to have seasons, shifting from hot summers to snowy winters, dinosaurs could not fit themselves to these changes and gradually became extinct. There are other scientists who believe that the dinosaurs disappeared because of an incident that happened 65 million years ago. An enormous and very heavy asteroid hit the earth. There was a huge explosion and this caused tons of dust to be blasted into the earth's atmosphere. There was such a thick layer of dust covering our earth that it blocked out sunlight for as five years. That was how plants died and the dinosaurs were deprived of food. Eventually they starved to death.
Q. When an asteroid hit the earth 65 million years ago, the following things happened except ?
Direction: What I knew of Social Democracy in my youth was exceedingly little and very inaccurate. I was profoundly pleased that it should carry on the struggle for universal suffrage and the secret ballot. For even then my intelligence told me that this must help to weaken the Habsburg regime which I so hated. In the conviction that the Austrian Empire could never be preserved except by victimizing its Germans, but that even the price of a gradual Slavization of the German element by no means
provided a guaranty of an empire really capable of survival, since the power of the Slavs to uphold the state must be estimated as exceedingly dubious, I welcomed every development which in my opinion would inevitably lead to the collapse of this impossible state which condemned ten million Germans to death. The more the linguistic babel corroded and disorganized parliament, the closer drew the inevitable hour of the disintegration of this Babylonian empire, and with it the hour of freedom for my German-Austrian people. Only in this way could the Anschluss with the old mother country be restored.
Q. How the Anschluss with the old mother country can be restored ?
Direction: What I knew of Social Democracy in my youth was exceedingly little and very inaccurate. I was profoundly pleased that it should carry on the struggle for universal suffrage and the secret ballot. For even then my intelligence told me that this must help to weaken the Habsburg regime which I so hated. In the conviction that the Austrian Empire could never be preserved except by victimizing its Germans, but that even the price of a gradual Slavization of the German element by no means
provided a guaranty of an empire really capable of survival, since the power of the Slavs to uphold the state must be estimated as exceedingly dubious, I welcomed every development which in my opinion would inevitably lead to the collapse of this impossible state which condemned ten million Germans to death. The more the linguistic babel corroded and disorganized parliament, the closer drew the inevitable hour of the disintegration of this Babylonian empire, and with it the hour of freedom for my German-Austrian people. Only in this way could the Anschluss with the old mother country be restored.
Q. What was the thought which led author to be hilarious ?
Direction: What I knew of Social Democracy in my youth was exceedingly little and very inaccurate. I was profoundly pleased that it should carry on the struggle for universal suffrage and the secret ballot. For even then my intelligence told me that this must help to weaken the Habsburg regime which I so hated. In the conviction that the Austrian Empire could never be preserved except by victimizing its Germans, but that even the price of a gradual Slavization of the German element by no means
provided a guaranty of an empire really capable of survival, since the power of the Slavs to uphold the state must be estimated as exceedingly dubious, I welcomed every development which in my opinion would inevitably lead to the collapse of this impossible state which condemned ten million Germans to death. The more the linguistic babel corroded and disorganized parliament, the closer drew the inevitable hour of the disintegration of this Babylonian empire, and with it the hour of freedom for my German-Austrian people. Only in this way could the Anschluss with the old mother country be restored.
Q. What is being hated by the author in this paragraph ?
Direction: Most people lead the lives that circumstances have thrust upon them. But Wison had boldly taken the course of his life into his own hands. At 35, he had quit his job to lead a pleasant life on an exotic island with just enough money to last for twenty five years. Once, fifteen years after he had been on the island, I happened to him and inquired about his financial situation. He said,” It will carry me on till I am sixty.” “ But one can not be sure of dying at sixty”, I said, “Well...” he replied. “ It depends on oneself, doesn’t it”?
Q. According to the author most people ?
Direction: Most people lead the lives that circumstances have thrust upon them. But Wison had boldly taken the course of his life into his own hands. At 35, he had quit his job to lead a pleasant life on an exotic island with just enough money to last for twenty five years. Once, fifteen years after he had been on the island, I happened to him and inquired about his financial situation. He said,” It will carry me on till I am sixty.” “ But one can not be sure of dying at sixty”, I said, “Well...” he replied. “ It depends on oneself, doesn’t it”?
Q.n"... depends on oneself" suggests that Wilson, at 60, would ?
Direction: Most people lead the lives that circumstances have thrust upon them. But Wison had boldly taken the course of his life into his own hands. At 35, he had quit his job to lead a pleasant life on an exotic island with just enough money to last for twenty five years. Once, fifteen years after he had been on the island, I happened to him and inquired about his financial situation. He said,” It will carry me on till I am sixty.” “ But one can not be sure of dying at sixty”, I said, “Well...” he replied. “ It depends on oneself, doesn’t it”?
Q. Wilsons' boldest decision was that he ?
Direction: It was already late when we set out for the next town, which according to the map was about fifteen kilometers away on the other side of the hills. There we felt that we would find a bed for the night. Darkness fell soon after we had left the village, but luckily we met no one as we drove swiftly along the narrow winding road that led to the hills. As we climbed higher, it became colder and rain began to fall, making it difficult at times to see the road. I asked john, my companion, to drive more slowly . After we had traveled for about twenty kilometers, there was still no sign of the town which was marked on the map. We were beginning to get worried. Then without warning., the car stopped and we found we had run out of petrol.
Q. The author asked john to drive more slowly because?
Direction: It was already late when we set out for the next town, which according to the map was about fifteen kilometers away on the other side of the hills. There we felt that we would find a bed for the night. Darkness fell soon after we had left the village, but luckily we met no one as we drove swiftly along the narrow winding road that led to the hills. As we climbed higher, it became colder and rain began to fall, making it difficult at times to see the road. I asked john, my companion, to drive more slowly . After we had traveled for about twenty kilometers, there was still no sign of the town which was marked on the map. We were beginning to get worried. Then without warning., the car stopped and we found we had run out of petrol.
Q. The travellers set out for the town although it was getting dark because ?
Direction: It was already late when we set out for the next town, which according to the map was about fifteen kilometers away on the other side of the hills. There we felt that we would find a bed for the night. Darkness fell soon after we had left the village, but luckily we met no one as we drove swiftly along the narrow winding road that led to the hills. As we climbed higher, it became colder and rain began to fall, making it difficult at times to see the road. I asked john, my companion, to drive more slowly . After we had traveled for about twenty kilometers, there was still no sign of the town which was marked on the map. We were beginning to get worried. Then without warning., the car stopped and we found we had run out of petrol.
Q. The travellers were worried after twenty kilometers because ?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
To be able to grow into self confident, fearless and active women, a girl must be nurtured in an atmosphere where she can be valued. However, for the average girl child in India. her prospects of all round healthy development are severely constrained. Born into a socially inhospitable environment, a girl is considered to be an expense - someone who will never contribute to the family income and at the time of her marriage will take large assets as dowry. So deeply entrenched is the ideology of sun preference, that a mother not only hopes and prays for a boy but actually fears the birth of a daughter. In India, girls are socialized from the very beginning to accept the ideology of make supremacy, which makes them a prey to discriminatory practices. This means that not only girl are socially unequipped to question the injustices done them, but in the absence of models of role and conduct, they actually propagate the dominant social and cultural values which are against their interests. Large number of the girl are allowed to die because of malnutrition and disease, which are not properly treated. Children who are working and are on the street are know as children. A street child may be defined as a minor for whom the street has become his or her habitual abode and who is without adequate protection.
Q. What issue does the author highlight in the given passage?
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