Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
Shouldn't we then live in harmony with nature and evolve with it? Our brains, too, are wired to enjoy the beauty of nature. No man-made systems can complete with the joy and well-being. we feel in observing nature's display all year round. We recover rapidly from physical stress when exposed to pleasing natural environmental beauty. We take holidays amidst natural scenic wonders and we retreat to nature to recover and recoup from stress. Yet, we choose to destroy nature with our wasteful lifestyles and our burgeoning population. We use natural resources inefficiently and destroy them for technological development. We think we can change the natural resources inefficiently and destroy them for technological development. We think we can change the natural tapestry, and have even started playing God !
Q. How can we live in harmony with nature?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
Shouldn't we then live in harmony with nature and evolve with it? Our brains, too, are wired to enjoy the beauty of nature. No man-made systems can complete with the joy and well-being. we feel in observing nature's display all year round. We recover rapidly from physical stress when exposed to pleasing natural environmental beauty. We take holidays amidst natural scenic wonders and we retreat to nature to recover and recoup from stress. Yet, we choose to destroy nature with our wasteful lifestyles and our burgeoning population. We use natural resources inefficiently and destroy them for technological development. We think we can change the natural resources inefficiently and destroy them for technological development. We think we can change the natural tapestry, and have even started playing God !
Q. What is the human weakness?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
Shouldn't we then live in harmony with nature and evolve with it? Our brains, too, are wired to enjoy the beauty of nature. No man-made systems can complete with the joy and well-being. we feel in observing nature's display all year round. We recover rapidly from physical stress when exposed to pleasing natural environmental beauty. We take holidays amidst natural scenic wonders and we retreat to nature to recover and recoup from stress. Yet, we choose to destroy nature with our wasteful lifestyles and our burgeoning population. We use natural resources inefficiently and destroy them for technological development. We think we can change the natural resources inefficiently and destroy them for technological development. We think we can change the natural tapestry, and have even started playing God !
Q. How does nature help us in recovering?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
In spring, polar bear mothers emerge from dens with three months old cubs. The mother bear has fasted for as long as eight months but that does not stop the young from demanding full access to her remaining reserves. If there are triplets, the most persistent stands to gain an extra meal and it may have the meal at the expense of other. The smallest of the litter forfeits many meals to stronger siblings. Females are protective of their cubs but tend to ignore family rivalry over food. In 21 years of photographing polar bears, I've only once seen the smallest of triplets survive till autumn.
Q. Female polar bears give birth during
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
In spring, polar bear mothers emerge from dens with three months old cubs. The mother bear has fasted for as long as eight months but that does not stop the young from demanding full access to her remaining reserves. If there are triplets, the most persistent stands to gain an extra meal and it may have the meal at the expense of other. The smallest of the litter forfeits many meals to stronger siblings. Females are protective of their cubs but tend to ignore family rivalry over food. In 21 years of photographing polar bears, I've only once seen the smallest of triplets survive till autumn.
With reference to the passage, the following assumptions have been made
1. Polar bears fast as long as eight months due to non-availability of prey.
2. Polar bears always give birth to triplets.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are valid?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
In spring, polar bear mothers emerge from dens with three months old cubs. The mother bear has fasted for as long as eight months but that does not stop the young from demanding full access to her remaining reserves. If there are triplets, the most persistent stands to gain an extra meal and it may have the meal at the expense of other. The smallest of the litter forfeits many meals to stronger siblings. Females are protective of their cubs but tend to ignore family rivalry over food. In 21 years of photographing polar bears, I've only once seen the smallest of triplets survive till autumn.
Mother bear
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
It is not luck but labor that makes a man. Luck says an American writer, is every waiting for something to turn up; labor with keen eyes and strong will always turns up something . Luck lies in bed and wishes the postman would bring him news of a legacy; labor turns out at six and with busy pen and ringing hammer lays the foundation of competence. Luck whines, labor watches. Luck relies on chance, labor on character. Luck slips downwards to self-indulgence; labor strides upwards and aspires to independence. The conviction, therefore,
is extending that diligence is the mother of good luck. In other words, that a man's success in life will be proportionate to his efforts, to his industry, to his attention to small things.
Q. Which one of the statements is true about the passage?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
It is not luck but labor that makes a man. Luck says an American writer, is every waiting for something to turn up; labor with keen eyes and strong will always turns up something . Luck lies in bed and wishes the postman would bring him news of a legacy; labor turns out at six and with busy pen and ringing hammer lays the foundation of competence. Luck whines, labor watches. Luck relies on chance, labor on character. Luck slips downwards to self-indulgence; labor strides upwards and aspires to independence. The conviction, therefore,
is extending that diligence is the mother of good luck. In other words, that a man's success in life will be proportionate to his efforts, to his industry, to his attention to small things.
Q. "... Labour turns out at six and with busy pen and ringing hammer lays the foundation of competence." What does this statements mean?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
It is not luck but labor that makes a man. Luck says an American writer, is every waiting for something to turn up; labor with keen eyes and strong will always turns up something . Luck lies in bed and wishes the postman would bring him news of a legacy; labor turns out at six and with busy pen and ringing hammer lays the foundation of competence. Luck whines, labor watches. Luck relies on chance, labor on character. Luck slips downwards to self-indulgence; labor strides upwards and aspires to independence. The conviction, therefore,
is extending that diligence is the mother of good luck. In other words, that a man's success in life will be proportionate to his efforts, to his industry, to his attention to small things.
Q. Which one of the following words in the passage indicate that the writer does not ultimately reject the element of Luck?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
The news that the Indian Railways are going to incur a shortfall of Rs 1000 crore in their resources generation - and will, therefore, have to seek budgetary support to that extend - will not surprise many. That's a scenario that has been played out for years now, and the outcome, too, has been predictable - with railways budget doing is duty by doling out public money. But it's time to look at the problem differently, in view of the current concerns of the government in economizing its charity and the feeling that the railways have to stand on their own legs.
The Railways have, over the last few months, continued to experience a shortfall of Rs 85 crore per month, a feature that could add to their woes if it continue. Fall in expected goods traffic, in the rate per tonne and also a dip in passenger traffic have contributed to the shortfall. All these may not be new concerns for the Railways; the relevant point, however, is how the system and the government hope to tackle it.
Clearly, budgetary support should be considered only in the last instance, after various measures to both reduce expenditure and raise resources have been tried out. Consider subsidies on passenger traffic --- the expenditure which really digs into the government's coffers. In fact, passenger traffic subsidy accounted for nearly 90 per cent of the railways' losses in 1992/93, with freight traffic subsidies taking up the rest.
Freight traffic subsidy cuts should prove more easy if this year's budget exercise is any indication. Till now, sixteen commodities were subsidized. In 1993/94, budget subsidy on four commodities were removed. Prices did not rise, there was little protest and now the Railways ought to be emboldened to do more Reduction in passenger subsidies is more tricky given the dependence of such a large population, mostly poor, on the system and most governments have been reluctant to do much. In fact, passenger rates have been hiked very few times and that, too, only in recent years.
One area where the Railways could do a lot more pruning is in shutting uneconomic branch lines. For instance, in 1992/93 it was found that 114 branch lines contributed a loss of Rs 121 crore.
To its credit, however, the railways have been looking around for sources of funds other than the budget.
Q. According to the author, what should the Railways do as regards freight subsidy?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
The news that the Indian Railways are going to incur a shortfall of Rs 1000 crore in their resources generation - and will, therefore, have to seek budgetary support to that extend - will not surprise many. That's a scenario that has been played out for years now, and the outcome, too, has been predictable - with railways budget doing is duty by doling out public money. But it's time to look at the problem differently, in view of the current concerns of the government in economizing its charity and the feeling that the railways have to stand on their own legs.
The Railways have, over the last few months, continued to experience a shortfall of Rs 85 crore per month, a feature that could add to their woes if it continue. Fall in expected goods traffic, in the rate per tonne and also a dip in passenger traffic have contributed to the shortfall. All these may not be new concerns for the Railways; the relevant point, however, is how the system and the government hope to tackle it.
Clearly, budgetary support should be considered only in the last instance, after various measures to both reduce expenditure and raise resources have been tried out. Consider subsidies on passenger traffic --- the expenditure which really digs into the government's coffers. In fact, passenger traffic subsidy accounted for nearly 90 per cent of the railways' losses in 1992/93, with freight traffic subsidies taking up the rest.
Freight traffic subsidy cuts should prove more easy if this year's budget exercise is any indication. Till now, sixteen commodities were subsidized. In 1993/94, budget subsidy on four commodities were removed. Prices did not rise, there was little protest and now the Railways ought to be emboldened to do more Reduction in passenger subsidies is more tricky given the dependence of such a large population, mostly poor, on the system and most governments have been reluctant to do much. In fact, passenger rates have been hiked very few times and that, too, only in recent years.
One area where the Railways could do a lot more pruning is in shutting uneconomic branch lines. For instance, in 1992/93 it was found that 114 branch lines contributed a loss of Rs 121 crore.
To its credit, however, the railways have been looking around for sources of funds other than the budget.
Q. Which of the following has the same meaning as the words tricky as it has been used in the passage?
Direction: In the following questions, you have two passages with 5 questions in each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
A dolphin is an aquatic mammal. Dolphins are extremely intelligent and sociable animals and have their own way to communicate with each other using special sounds. Although they are often mistaken for fish, dolphins are actually mammals. They are members of the Cetacea (pronounced set-ay-shia) family, which also contains whales and porpoises. One way of telling the difference between a cetacean and a fish is by looking at their tails. You can tell a cetacean because their tail fins (called flukes) are horizontal and move up and down. Fish have vertical tails which move from side to side. A dolphin’s body is designed to help them move quickly and easily through water. The dolphin’s fluke propels it through the water. On its back is a curved dorsal fin and on each side of the dolphin is a pectoral fin. The bump on a dolphins head is known as the melon. They trap their prey by using their teeth. Dolphins use a type of sonar to detect where objects are around them. This is called echolocation. Echolocation works when a dolphin bounces a high pitched sound off an object and then listens for the echo to come back. It is a very useful way for dolphins to find food and navigate. Dolphins communicate with each other through clicks, squeaks and whistles. They use these special sounds to greet each other and to indicate if they are in distress. Dolphins live in the sea, but they can’t breathe under water! They breathe through a blowhole and have to come up for air every 15 minutes.
Dolphins use echolocation to
Direction: In the following questions, you have two passages with 5 questions in each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
A dolphin is an aquatic mammal. Dolphins are extremely intelligent and sociable animals and have their own way to communicate with each other using special sounds. Although they are often mistaken for fish, dolphins are actually mammals. They are members of the Cetacea (pronounced set-ay-shia) family, which also contains whales and porpoises. One way of telling the difference between a cetacean and a fish is by looking at their tails. You can tell a cetacean because their tail fins (called flukes) are horizontal and move up and down. Fish have vertical tails which move from side to side. A dolphin’s body is designed to help them move quickly and easily through water. The dolphin’s fluke propels it through the water. On its back is a curved dorsal fin and on each side of the dolphin is a pectoral fin. The bump on a dolphins head is known as the melon. They trap their prey by using their teeth. Dolphins use a type of sonar to detect where objects are around them. This is called echolocation. Echolocation works when a dolphin bounces a high pitched sound off an object and then listens for the echo to come back. It is a very useful way for dolphins to find food and navigate. Dolphins communicate with each other through clicks, squeaks and whistles. They use these special sounds to greet each other and to indicate if they are in distress. Dolphins live in the sea, but they can’t breathe under water! They breathe through a blowhole and have to come up for air every 15 minutes.
Dolphins use their teeth
Direction: In the following questions, you have two passages with 5 questions in each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
A dolphin is an aquatic mammal. Dolphins are extremely intelligent and sociable animals and have their own way to communicate with each other using special sounds. Although they are often mistaken for fish, dolphins are actually mammals. They are members of the Cetacea (pronounced set-ay-shia) family, which also contains whales and porpoises. One way of telling the difference between a cetacean and a fish is by looking at their tails. You can tell a cetacean because their tail fins (called flukes) are horizontal and move up and down. Fish have vertical tails which move from side to side. A dolphin’s body is designed to help them move quickly and easily through water. The dolphin’s fluke propels it through the water. On its back is a curved dorsal fin and on each side of the dolphin is a pectoral fin. The bump on a dolphins head is known as the melon. They trap their prey by using their teeth. Dolphins use a type of sonar to detect where objects are around them. This is called echolocation. Echolocation works when a dolphin bounces a high pitched sound off an object and then listens for the echo to come back. It is a very useful way for dolphins to find food and navigate. Dolphins communicate with each other through clicks, squeaks and whistles. They use these special sounds to greet each other and to indicate if they are in distress. Dolphins live in the sea, but they can’t breathe under water! They breathe through a blowhole and have to come up for air every 15 minutes.
Q. Which of these help dolphins to navigate through the water?
Direction: A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
Awareness means the capacity to see a coffee pot and hear the birds sing in one’s own way, and not the way one was taught. It may be assumed on good grounds that seeing and hearing have a different quality for infants than for grownups and that they are more aesthetic and less intellectual in the first years of life. A little boy sees and hears birds with delight. Then the ‘good father’ comes along and feels he should ‘share’ the experience and help his son ‘develop’. He says, “That’s a jay and this is a sparrow.” The moment the little boy is concerned with which is a jay and which is a sparrow, he can no longer see the birds or hear them sing. He has to see and hear them the way his father wants him to. Father has good reasons on his side: since few people can afford to go through life listening to the birds sing, sooner the little boy starts his ‘education’ the better. Maybe he will be an ornithologist when he grows up.
The given passage implies that
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