A bipolar junction transistor with one junction forward biased and either the collector or emitter open, operates in the.
A common emitter transistor amplifier circuit is operated under a fixed bias. In this circuit, the operating point.
In a typical npn transistor, the doping concentrations in emitter, base and collector regions are nE, nB, nC respectively. These satisfy the relation.
If for a silicon npn transistor, the base to emitter voltage (VBE) is 0.7Vand the collector to base voltage (VCB) is 0.2V, then the transistor is operating in the
At very high frequency, mica capacitor are used, because.
A piece of semiconductor is connected in series in a circuit. On increasing the temperature, the current in the circuit will :
For an amplifier, the base of an npn transistor must be.
Calculate the value of emitter current for a transistor with αdc = 0.98, ICBO = 5 μA and IB = 95 μA.
Which one of the following statements is true for a semiconductor p - n junction with no-external bias?