How many chromosomes are present in the each cell of the onion root tip?
Which of these processes ensure the haploid phase of life cycle?
The small disc shaped like structures occur in the centromere are called as
Human ------------- do not divide in brain after birth.
Division of nucleus without being followed by cytokinesis results into
Arrange the order of events taking place in anaphase II stage of meiosis:
a. Metaphase plate spilts
b. Each chromosome moves away from equatorial plane
c. Centromeres split and chromatids separate.
d. Chromatids move to opposite poles
In diploid cells,each homologous chromosome consists of
Which of the following phases in mitosis is in correct order?
During mitosis ER and nucleolus begin to disappear at
Which one is not a significance of meiosis division?
In animal cells, the mitotic division is seen in
In the metaphase stage, the chromosomes are made up of
In animal cells, Cytokinesis takes place by furrow deepening centripetally and formation of two daughter cells. This method is known as
In telophase I, which of the following event takes place?
Lampbrush chromosome where two homologous chromosome with several chiasmata with several loops in chromatic region is found in
In which stage, the cells remain metabolically active but do not proliferate?
An alkaloid widely used in plant breeding for doubling the chromosome number also known as ‘mitotic poison’ is
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