Which phylum has comb plates for locomotion as their distinctive feature?
Which among the following is not the basis of classification in Animalia?
Which among the following is incorrect about tissue level of organization?
Which phylum has water vascular system as a characteristic feature?
Which among the following is incorrect about levels of organization in animals?
Which is the second largest phylum?
What is common among Liver fluke, Planaria and Tapeworm?
The endoskeleton is fully ossified and the long bones are pneumatic in
Which of the following is NOT a poisonous snake?
Book lungs are respiratory organ of
The presence of milk producing glands is a unique characteristic feature of class
Which of the following does not have an excretory system?
In which one of the following, the genus name, its two characters and its class/phylum are correctly matched?
Which among the following is incorrect about types of digestive system in animals?
Select the correct option in respect of characteristics of each group :-
Match the following and select the correct option:
Column I Column II
(a) Gregarious, polyphagous pest (i) Asterias
(b) Adult with radial symmetry and larva with bilateral symmetry (ii) Scorpion
(c) Book lungs (iii) Ctenophora
(d) Bioluminescence (iv) Locusta
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