The capillary tube used as expansion device in vapour compression system works on the principle of
Consider the following advantages of refrigeration system using capiilary tube:
1. The cost of capillary tube is less than ail other forms of expansion devices.
2. No receiver is necessary.
3. Low starting torque motor can be used to drive the compressor.
Which of above is/are valid?
Which of the following factor does not affect the condenser capacity?
The heat rejection factor (HRF) of a condenser is given by
The domestic refrigerator operating on vapour compression cycle uses the following device for expansion
In a domestic refrigerator, a capillary tube controls the flow of refrigerant from the
A capillary tube is employed in a refrigeration cycle to
Capillary tube is not used in large capacity refrigeration system because
Which one of the following is the most important function of thermostatic expansion valve
In on-off control refrigeration system, which one of the following expansion devices is used?
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