In a mass transfer process of diffusion of hot smoke in cold air in a power plant, the temperature profile and concentration profile will become identical when
If heat and mass transfer takes place simultaneously, then the ratio of heat transfer coefficient to mass transfer coefficient is a function of the ratio of
The relative magnitudes of heat and mass diffusion in the thermal and concentration boundary layers are represented by
Which of the following relations are true for identical molecular diffusivities of momentum, heat and mass
All of the following involves simultaneous heat and mass transfer, except
The surface hardening of a mild steel component by the diffusion of carbon molecules is a
Schmidt number is ratio of which of the following:
Which of the following is a non - dimensional number generally finds application in mass transfer problem
Fick’s law of diffusion interms of mass fraction can be written as (where CA = mass fraction)
For complete similarity in momentum, heat and mass transfer we should have
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