Consider the simply supported beam AB subjected to the point loads of equal magnitude as shown in the diagram below:
Q. Which one of the following statements is correct?
The portion CD of the beam is
In a simply supported beam of length L with a triangular load W varying from zero at one end to the maximum value at the other end, the maximum bending moment is
The shear force diagram is shown below for a loaded beam. The corresponding bending moment diagram is represented by
A loaded beam PQRS is shown in the given figure.
The magnitude of reaction at R will be zero if the value of load W is
For a cantilever beam dM/dx = constant for its whole length. What is the shape of SF diagram for the beam?
For the beam loaded as shown in figure we use below. The magnitude of bending moment at the roller support is
A concentrated load of P acts on a simply supported beam of span L at a distance L/3 from the left support. The bending moment at the point of application of the load is given by
The bending moment diagram for a beam is a triangle with its base equal to length of the beam. What type of loading and beam does it represent?
List-I shows different loads acting on a beam and List-lI shows different bending moment distributions. Match List-I with List-ll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List - I
List - II
(a) 4 2 1 3
(b) 5 4 1 3
(c) 2 5 3 1
(d) 2 4 1 3
Two identical cantilever beams are supported as shown, with their free ends in contact through a rigid roller. After the load Pis applied, the free ends will have
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