A thyristor switch has voltage rating of 700 V for each and 7 SCRs are connected in series for handling a voltage of 3800 V. The derating factor for this set of arrangement is
Generally inductor connected at the cathode end of SCR for _________ protection
Assertion (A) : The operation of an SCR can be explained in a very simple way by considering it in terms of two transistors.
Reason (R) : in the two transistor analogy of the SCR, the SCR can be considered as an npn and a pnp transistor, where the collector of one transistor is attached to the emitter of the other and vice-versa.
After firing an SCR, the gate pulse is removed. The current in the SCR will
An SCR having turn on time of 5 ms, latching current of 100 mA and holding current of 38 mA is triggered by a short duration pulse. What will be the minimum width, triggering pulse would require for successful turn ON of SCR
The main reason for connecting a pulse transformer at the output stage of a thyristor triggering circuit is to
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25 docs|247 tests