In a river carrying a discharge of 142 m3/s, the stage at a station A was 3,6 m and the water surface slope was 1 in 6000. If during a flood, the stage at A was 3.6 m and the water surface slope was 1 in 3000, what was the flood discharge (approximately)?
For a given stream the rating curve applicable to a section is available. To determine the discharge in this stream, the following data are needed
The stage of river carrying a discharge of Q m3/sec at a point is 10 m and slope of water surface is (1/4000). The discharge of a flood at the same point and same stage of 10 m with a water surface slope of (1/1000) will be
When a routine and regular information of the discharge of a stream is desired, it is usually obtained
As floodwave passess a given section of a river, life lime of occurrence of the maximum stage and that maximum discharge will be such that
The surface velocity at any vertical section of a stream is
Calibration of a current meter for use, in channel flow measurement is done in a
If Vs = surface velocity of a stream at a vertical, the average velocity V in the vertical will be about
In the case of large rivers, a number of equidistant vertical sections of the total width of flow are identified, for the purpose of finding by numerical integration, the total discharge on any day. On each section, the mean velocity is taken as the arithmetic average of two typical depths on that section. Then the mean velocity is worked out for that section. Usually, the mean velocity of any section, corresponds to which one of the following?
(V represents the point velocity at the given section and the depth such as 0.1 d, 0.2d.... etc.)
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