For a circular column having its ends hinged, the slenderness ratio is 160. The l/d ratio of the column is
For the case of slender column of length 'l’ and flexural rigidity EI built in at its base and free at the top, the Euler's buckling load is
The resultant cuts the base of a circular column of diameter ‘d’ with an eccentricity equal to one-fourth of 'd'. The ratio between the maximum compressive stress and the maximum tensile stress is
A column of length 2.4 m area of cross-section 2,000 mm2 andmoment of inertia of Ixx = 720 x 104 mm4 and Iyy = 80 x 104 mm4 is subjected to buckling load. Both the ends of the column are fixed. What is the slenderness ratio of column?
A hollow circular column, has D = 100 mm, d = 80 mm. What is its radius of gyration
If diameter of a long column is reduced by 20%, the percentage reduction in Euler’s buckling load is
A rectangular bar as shown in the figure below carries a tensile load of 1 kN as shown in the figure. Under this load the maximum value of stress over the mean value will increase by
A hollow circular column of internal diameter 'd' and external diameter '1.5 d’ is subjected to compressive load. The maximum distance of the point of application of load from the centre for no tension is
Given that
PE = The crippling load given by Euler
PC = The load at failure due to direct compression
PR = The load in accordance with the Rankine's criterion of failure
PR is given by
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