Apart from inertia force, which of the following forces is most important in motion of submarines underwater?
Assuming that the thrust T of a propeller depends on the diameter D, speed of advance V, angular velocity ω, dynamic viscosity μ and mass density ρ, which of the following ’non -dimensional parameters can be derived ‘by dimensional analysis?
Which of the following could be a π-parameter of the function f(F, V, r, m, L) = 0 when V, r and L are taken as repeating variables?
Match List-I (Flow problem under study) with List-ll (Model law) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
1. Rise of gas bubbles in liquid
2. Flow of gas in a pipe
3. Flow over a spillway dam
4. Flight of supersonic jet
A. Euler number
B. Froude number
C. Mach number
D. Reynold’s number
E. Weber’s number
A ship’s model of scale 1 : 100 had a wave resistance of 1 kg at its design speed. The corresponding wave resistance in prototype will be
If the velocity, bulk modulus of elasticity and the mass density of a fluid are denoted by U, K and ρ respectively, then the Mach number is given by
A model of reservoir is emptied in 10 minutes. If the model scale is 1:25, the time taken by the prototype to empty itself, would be
When Mach number is more than 6, the flow is called
A harbour model has a horizontal scale of 1/150 and a vertical scale of 1/60. The interval between successive high tides in the model will be nearly