Which one of the following gives the correct distance between the lighthouse and a ship, when the lighthouse whose height is 100 m is visible just above the horizon from the ship?
Which of the following sights will be applicable for a change point?
Curvature correction to a staff reading in a differential levelling survey is
The bubble tube parallel to the telescope of a theodolite should be more sensitive, since it controls.
A line of levels was run from Bench Mark A (770.815) to a Bench Mark B (772.940). The sum of back sights was 32.665 m and sum of fore sights was 30,44 m. The closing error is (in m)
The RL of a classroom floor is 30.00 m and the staff reading on the floor is 1.40 m. The staff reading when, held inverted with the bottom touching the Tee beam of the roof is 3.67 m. The height of the beam above the floor is
The distance of visible horizon from a height of 36 m above mean sea level is given by
If sensitivity of the bubble tube is 30" per 2 mm division then what would be the error in staff reading on a vertically held staff at a distance of 200 m when its bubble is out of centre by 2.5 divisions.