Rohan is fourteenth from the right end in row of 40 boys. What is his position form the left end?
Ritesh is thirteenth from the left end in a row of children. Prabir is twelfth from the right end and eighteenth from the left end. How many children are towards the right of Ritesh in that row?
Kavita ranks 16th from the top and 49th from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?
In a class of 39 students the ratio of boys and girls is 2 : 1. Ashita ranks 15th among all the students from top and 8th among girls from bottom. How many boys are there below Ashita?
In a row of girls Anuradha is seventh from the left end of the row and Rubal is ninth from the right end of the row. When Rubal is shifted towards left by three places, there are 5 girls between Anuradha and Rubal. How many girls are there in the row?
In a row of friends no two girls came together and starting from left every third child is a boy. What is the minimum number of boys in the row?
Two rows of 15 students each were standing from left to right facing each other. Neeru and Riya were standing facing each other at the 8 position in their respective rows. If both of them were shifted 5 positions to their respective right. How many positions would they be away from each other?
In a group of six children, T, K, V, O, M and W, T is fatter than M but not as fat as W. K is not the fattest nor is W whereas V is the thinnest. Who is the fattest among them all?
Nikita is taller than Ravi but not as tall as Shirish, who is shorter than Vandana. Milan is not as tall as Vandana and not as short as Shirish. Who is tallest among them?
Prachi ranks sixteenth from the top and fifteenth from the bottom in a certain examination. How many students are there in her class?
Rohan is heavier than Sohan but not as heavy as Rupesh. Sohan is lighter than Kirti. Jayant is heavier than Rohan but lighter than Rupesh. Who among them is the lightest?
Arvind is 8 ranks ahead than Alok in the class. If Alok’s rank is 15th from the last, what is Arvind’s rank from the start?
`X’ got the highest marks in final exam. `Y’ got less than `Z’. Who got the lowest marks among X, Y, Z, W and V?
Rohit ranks 31st from the bottom in a class of 62 students. What is his rank from the top?
Prachi scored more than Sam, Yashita scored as much as Vibha. Latika scored less than Supriya. Sam scored more than Yashita. Supriya scored less than Vibha. Who scored the lowest?
Deepak is taller than Harish who is shorter than Tanuj. Diksha is taller than Harman but shorter than Harish. Tanuj is shorter than Deepak. Who is the tallest?
Among five boys, Vipul is taller than Kartik, but not as tall as Sam. Arvind is taller than Sabha, but shorter than Kartik. Who is tallest in the group?
Among A, B, C and D, B is heavier than A and C but C is taller than him. D is not as tall as C, while A is shorter than C. C is not as heavy as A. D is heavier than B but shorter than him. Who is the heaviest?
Among A, B, C and D, B is heavier than A and C but C is taller than him. D is not as tall as C, while A is shorter than C. C is not as heavy as A. D is heavier than B but shorter than him. Who is the shortest ?
Naveen is taller than Vipin but shorter than Sonu. Sonu is taller than Harry but shorter than Amar. Who among them is the shortest with regard to height?
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