‘p1’ and ‘p2’ are two equal tensile principal stresses. On the plane AB inclined at 45° to the plane of ‘p1’ as shown in the figure below,
In a Mohr’s circle, the radius of the circle is taken as
For a general two dimensional stress system, what are the coordinates of the centre of Mohr’s circle?
A Mohr’s circle reduces to a point when the body is subjected to
If a body carries two unlike principal stresses, what is the maximum shear stress?
In a two dimensional problem, the state of pure shear at a point is characterized by
In a plane stress problem there are normal tensile stresses σx and σy accompanied by shear stres τxy at a point along orthogonal Cartesian co-ordinates x and y respectively. If it is observed that the minimum principal stress on a certain plane is zero then,
State of stress at a point in a strained body is shown in figure.
Which one of the figure given below represents correctly the Mohr's circle for the state of stress?
The equivalent bending moment under combined action of bending moment M and torque T is
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