Basic materials used in the present solid state electronic devices like diode, transistor, ICs, etc are
The conductivity of P – type semiconductor is due to
In the case of metals the valence and conduction bands have
In a p-n junction, as the diffusion process continues the width of the depletion zone
An N-type Ge is obtained on doping the Ge- crystal with
In a semiconductor crystal, if current flows due to breakage of crystal bonds, then the semiconductor is called
Hole is a vacancy or lack of an electron and can travel through the semiconductor material. It can
The depletion layer in the p-n junction is caused
In a pure, or intrinsic, semiconductor, valence band holes and conduction-band electrons are always present
In a semiconductor, the forbidden energy gap between the valance band and the conduction band is of the order of
A solid having uppermost energy – band partially filled with electrons is called
When a P- N junction is reversed biased, the flow of current across the junction is mainly due to
The main difference between conductors, semiconductors and insulators is because of
The number of valence electrons in a good conductor is generally
In the middle of the depletion layer of a reverse biased p-n-junction, the
When the conductivity of a semiconductor is only due to breaking of the covalent bonds, the semiconductor is called
Electrons are forbidden in a band (in a crystal) called the
The difference in variation of resistance with temperature in a metal and semiconductor is due to
A piece of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 80 K. The resistance of
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