In the Muskingum method of channel routing the weighing factor x can have a value
In the Muskingum method of channel routing if x = 0.5, it represents an outflow hydrograph
Match List-I with List-ll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
A. Reservoir routing
B. Hydraulic routing
C. Channel routing
D. Hydrologic routing
1. Solution of equation of continuity
2. Solution of St. Venant’s equations
3. Storage is a unique function of outflow discharge
4. Storage is a function of inflow as well as outflow
If the storage S, inflow rate I and outflow rate Q for a river reach is written as
S = K[x In + (1 - x) Qn]
If I = inflow rate, Q = outflow rate, and S = storage, in a reach the continuity equation used in flood routing is
Which of the following equation is used in hydrological flood routing?
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