The lower and upper limits on the convolution sum reflect the causality and finite duration characteristics of the filter.
Which of the following condition should the unit sample response of a FIR filter satisfy to have a linear phase?
If the unit sample response h(n) of the filter is real, complex valued roots need not occur in complex conjugate pairs.
What is the value of h(M-1/2) if the unit sample response is anti-symmetric?
What is the number of filter coefficients that specify the frequency response for h(n) symmetric?
What is the number of filter coefficients that specify the frequency response for h(n) anti-symmetric?
Which of the following is not suitable either as low pass or a high pass filter?
The anti-symmetric condition with M even is not used in the design of which of the following linear-phase FIR filter?
The anti-symmetric condition is not used in the design of low pass linear phase FIR filter.
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