A gas in container A is in thermal equilibrium with another gas in container B, both contain equal masses of two gases in the respective containers which of the following can be true?
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Let and vmp respectively denote mean speed, root mean square speed and most probable speed of the molecules in an ideal monoatomic gas at absolute temperature T. The mass of molecule is m. Then,
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Under which of the following conditions is the law pV = RT obeyed most closely by a real gas
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A gas mixture consists of molecules of type 1, 2 and 3 with molar masses m1 > m2 > m3 . vrms and are the rms speed and average kinetic energy of the gases. Which of the following are true?
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Which of the following statements are true with regards to mean free path?
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The mean free path of a gas molecule is λ1 at temperature T. The pressure and temperature, of both the gas, are made two times their original value. The new mean free path was found to be λ2. Then λ1:λ2 is -
The value of CP – CV = R for a gas in state A and CP – CV = 1.06R in another state B. If pA and pB denote the pressure and TA and TB denote the temperature in the two state, then
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Two identical containers each of volume V0 are joined by a small pipe. The containers contains identical gases at temperature T0 and pressure p0 . One container is heated to temperature 2T0 while maintaining the other at same temperature. The common pressure of gas is p and n is the number of the moles of gas in container at temperature 2T0 .
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The equation of state of a gas is given by where a, b, c, and R are constants. The isotherms can be represented by p = AVm – BVn where A and B depends only on temperature then.
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Which of the following is/are false?
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