What is the second nearest neighbour distance in bcc crystal whose conventional unit cell parameter is a?
The number of atoms per unit area of the plane [0 1 0] of a simple cubic crystal is :
If a two - dimensional lattice has the basic vector hen the vectors of the reciprocal lattice are respectively;
In crystallographic notations, the vector is the cubic cell shown is the figure is :
[3 2 6] are the miller indices of a plane, the intercept mode by the plane on the 3 crystallographic axes are:
Consider the atomic packing factor (APF) of the following crystal structures :
P. Simple cubic
Q. Body centred cubic
R. Face centred cubic
S. Diamond T. Hexagonal close packed
Q. Which two of the above structure have equal APF?
If d be the space between parallel lattice planes and be reciprocal lattice vector, then which of the following relations are true?
Volume of primitive cell of bcc structure having conventional lattice parameter a is :
For a NaCI crystal, the cell edge a = 0.563 nm. The smallest angle at which Bragg reflection can occur corresponds to a set of planes whose indices are :