A: Western ghats are included among the hotspots of biodiversity.
R: Western ghats have greater amphibian diversity than eastern ghats.
A: Tropical regions are more diversity rich in comparison to temperate areas.
R: Availability of more solar energy directly affects the presence of more species in these areas.
A: Process of extinction is random and fast.
R: Any species not adapted to environmental conditions cannot survive.
A: Habitat destruction is the main reason for the loss of biodiversity.
R: This actually causes an increase in the edge area and a reduction in the core area.
A: Pristine forests are among in-situ conservation strategies.
R: These are sacred groves where biota is protected on-site.
A: A stable community should show much variation in year to year productivity.
R: It must not be resilient to occasional disturbance.
A: Biodiversity of the prokaryotes cannot be estimated.
R: Conventional taxonomic methods are not suitable for the identification and characterisation of microbes.
A: Biosphere reserves are also included under the ex-situ conservation strategies.
R: Cropping and grazing are allowed in the transition zone of the biosphere reserve.
A: Taxonomic diversity represents the maximum level of species diversity.
R: It represents species of taxonomically different groups occurring in equal balance.
A: Tropics have more biodiversity.
R: Climate of the tropical region is more seasonal.
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