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Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Mechanical Engineering MCQ

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15 Questions MCQ Test Additional Study Material for Mechanical Engineering - Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium for Mechanical Engineering 2025 is part of Additional Study Material for Mechanical Engineering preparation. The Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium questions and answers have been prepared according to the Mechanical Engineering exam syllabus.The Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium MCQs are made for Mechanical Engineering 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium below.
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Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 1

If solving the question in 3D calculations is difficult, then use the 2D system and then equate the total net force to zero as the criteria of the potential energy for equilibrium.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 1

The answer is obviously yes. If we are having any difficulty in making the vector components, then we can go in 2D. As if the particle is in equilibrium, the net force will be zero. No matter where you see first. Net force is zero.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 2

If the body is upward the ground then the distance taken is __________

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 2

The direction upwards is considered as positive. And then the calculations are done. Not only that the direction of the rotation is also concerned with the signs. Positive if on the positive z axis. Negative if towards negative z axis.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 3

If the resolved force or the force which you get as the answer after solving the question is negative for the equilibrium of the potential energy, then what does this implies?

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 3

The negative sign implies things in the opposite manner. If the force is coming negative this doesn’t means that it is impossible. But it means that the force is in the opposite direction w.r.t the direction set by you in the free body diagram.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 4

A force is developed by a support that not allows the ________ of its attached member in the calculation of the potential energy.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 4

The force developed by a support doesn’t allow the translation of its attached member. This is the basic condition for the equilibrium of the forces in any dimension. This rule is applied when the support reactions are taken into the account for the equilibrium of the body.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 5

We first make equilibrium equations of the body by considering all the three dimensional forces and then the free body diagram is made and solved. Thus the criteria for the potential energy equilibrium.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 5

We first make the free body diagram and then we make the equilibrium equations to satisfy the given conditions. This helps us to solve the question easily. As this reduces the part of imagination and increases accuracy too.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 6

Couple moment is also considered as one of the criteria for the equilibrium of the potential of the body. It should be zero sometimes. So a couple moment is developed when _______ of the attached member is prevented.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 6

The development of the couple moment is when there is prevention of the rotation of the attached member. This is the basic condition for the equilibrium of the couple moments in any dimension. This rule is applied when the couple moments are taken into the account for the equilibrium of the body.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 7

Find the tension in the cable AC.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 7

First represent the forces in their vector form. Then equate the net sum of the forces in the x, y and z directions to be zero. You will get FB = FC and 2(.848) = 40N. This gives the answer as 23.6N.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 8

If the supports are properly aligned then the reaction forces developed under the potential energy diagrams are adequate to support the body.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 8

This is the basic nature observed during the experiments on the beams an all the support system. The dimension doesn’t affect the equilibrium conditions. The main motto is to achieve the equilibrium. It is achieved by equating the net force equal to zero.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 9

What is not the criteria for the equilibrium in potential energy free body diagram?

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 9

For the equilibrium in the three dimensional system of axis we have all the conditions true as, ∑Fx=0, ∑Fy=0 and ∑Fz=0. Also we have the summation of the forces equal to zero. Which is not a non-zero value.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 10

If any body is tied to three or more ropes and is in the potential equilibrium, and then is allowed to achieve its equilibrium. Then the equilibrium achieved is achieved w.r.t what?

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 10

Yes, the equilibrium is being achieved w.r.t the ground. Like the motion w.r.t ground need be zero. That is the relative velocity of the object or the body must be zero w.r.t the ground. This means motion is in equilibrium.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 11

∑Fx=0, ∑Fy=0 and ∑Fz=0 are vector equations for the three dimensions. They are satisfied when the body is achieved it state of equilibrium and the body has potential energy stabilised.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 11

The answer is false as the equations asked are scalars. As we make the net sum of the forces along the axis equal to zero. Of course this equation comes from the solving the vector forms, but still the result is a scalar, hence the equations are scalar.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 12

The supports in the 3D are having more than three reaction forces. Because they are having three axis on which the components of the forces need to be zero, so as to equilibrate the potential energy.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 12

As 3D is defined as the three axis system, we have to consider the equilibrium in all the three axis. This will make the equilibrium go on all the axis of the 3D space. And hence will cancel all the forces.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 13

The single pin, single bearing and single hinge resist _______ so as to attain potential energy equilibrium.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 13

The experiments have founded that the single pin, single bearing and single hinge resist both force and couple moments. This does helps in attaining the equilibrium of the body. Thus proper guiding must be taken during solving the question on the same.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 14

Determine the value of the q, parallel to the z axis. That is the point of intersection of the projections of the points A, B and C parallel to the xy plane. With the distance between the tri-section point and the points A, B and C be equal to 0.6m.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 14

The application of the equilibrium equation will yield the result. That is the resultant along the z-axis will remain zero. Which give the value of γ as 50˚. And therefore q=51.9cm.

Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 15

If the supports which are supporting a body at a certain height are not properly aligned then the reaction forces developed are adequate to support the body.

Detailed Solution for Test: Potential Energy Criterion For Equilibrium - Question 15

This is the basic nature observed during the experiments on the beams an all the support system. The dimension doesn’t affect the equilibrium conditions. The main motto is to achieve the equilibrium. It is achieved by equating the net force equal to zero. But here the system is not properly aligned.

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