If solving the question in 3D calculations is difficult, then use the 2D system and then equate the total net force to zero as the criteria of the potential energy for equilibrium.
If the body is upward the ground then the distance taken is __________
If the resolved force or the force which you get as the answer after solving the question is negative for the equilibrium of the potential energy, then what does this implies?
A force is developed by a support that not allows the ________ of its attached member in the calculation of the potential energy.
We first make equilibrium equations of the body by considering all the three dimensional forces and then the free body diagram is made and solved. Thus the criteria for the potential energy equilibrium.
Couple moment is also considered as one of the criteria for the equilibrium of the potential of the body. It should be zero sometimes. So a couple moment is developed when _______ of the attached member is prevented.
Find the tension in the cable AC.
If the supports are properly aligned then the reaction forces developed under the potential energy diagrams are adequate to support the body.
What is not the criteria for the equilibrium in potential energy free body diagram?
If any body is tied to three or more ropes and is in the potential equilibrium, and then is allowed to achieve its equilibrium. Then the equilibrium achieved is achieved w.r.t what?
∑Fx=0, ∑Fy=0 and ∑Fz=0 are vector equations for the three dimensions. They are satisfied when the body is achieved it state of equilibrium and the body has potential energy stabilised.
The supports in the 3D are having more than three reaction forces. Because they are having three axis on which the components of the forces need to be zero, so as to equilibrate the potential energy.
The single pin, single bearing and single hinge resist _______ so as to attain potential energy equilibrium.
Determine the value of the q, parallel to the z axis. That is the point of intersection of the projections of the points A, B and C parallel to the xy plane. With the distance between the tri-section point and the points A, B and C be equal to 0.6m.
If the supports which are supporting a body at a certain height are not properly aligned then the reaction forces developed are adequate to support the body.
1 videos|30 docs|57 tests
1 videos|30 docs|57 tests