A ______________ body consists of a series of connected “simpler” shaped bodies.
Composite materials are of no use for the any engineers.
The composite materials are lighter than their constituent material.
Determine the moment of area of the area below about x-axis.
Composite materials can be of __________ shapes for the determination of the moment of composite areas.
The total of all the masses of small particles adds up to give the total body mass of the composite body. This mass lies along with gravity gives a force vector which is being passed by ________
Determine the moment of area of the area below its centroid axis.
One of the use of the centre of mass or centroid of the composite bodies is as in the simplification of the loading system the net force acts at the ___________ of the loading body.
If any external force also is applied on the distributed loading on which the moment of inertia is to be determined on the composite body then?
Two of the things of the composite materials are to be known so that their moment of inertia can be varied. Which of the following is one of them?
The number of particle does affect the moment of inertia. A composite body is consisted of __________ number of particles.
We use sometimes the measures to know the direction of moment of inertia. It is done by right handed coordinate system. Which is right about it for the composite bodies (consider the mentioned axis to be positive)?
We often use the centre of mass of the composite area to calculate the moment of inertia. The centre of mass for these composite body is the ratio of ________ to _________
What is not the condition for the equilibrium in three dimensional system of axis for the composite bodies if we are determining the moment of inertia for them?
We sometimes use the moment caused by the force so as to determine the moment of inertia of the body. The moment is the cross product of which two vectors?
1 videos|30 docs|57 tests
1 videos|30 docs|57 tests