Albuminous seeds store their reserve food mainly in [NEET Kar. 2013]
Which of the following statements is correct? [NEET Kar. 2013]
Animal vectors are required for pollination in [NEET Kar. 2013]
Megaspores are produced from the megaspore mother cells after [NEET Kar. 2013]
Which one of the following statements is correct? [NEET Kar. 2013]
Which one of the following statements is correct? [NEET 2013]
Advantage of cleistogamy is : [NEET 2013]
Megasporangium is equivalent to : [NEET 2013]
Perisperm differs from endosperm in; [NEET 2013]
Plants with ovaries having only one or a few ovules, are generally pollinated by [2012M]
Which one of the following statements is wrong? [2012M]
What is the function of germ pore? [2012M]
An organic substance that can withstand environmental extremes and cannot be degraded by any enzyme is : [2012]
Even in absence of pollinating agents seed setting is assured in [2012]
Both, autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented in [2012]
Wind pollination is common in [2011]
In which one of the following pollination is autogamous? [2011]
Nucellar polyembryony is reported in species of [2011]
Filiform apparatus is a characteristic feature of [2011]
Wind pollinated flowers are [2010]
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