Read the statement with regard to frog. Which of the statement is/are correct and incorrect?
(i) The medulla oblongata passes out through foramen of Monro and continues into the spinal cord.
(ii) Vasa efferentia are 10-12 in number that arises from testes
(iii) Ovaries have no functional connection with kidneys
(iv) Frogs are uricotelic
Which of the following statements is incorrect about the frog?
(i) Eyes are bulged out and covered by a nicitating membrane that protects them while in water.
(ii) On either side of the eyes a membranous tympanum (ear) receives sound signals.
(iii) The hind limbs end in four digits and they are larger and muscular than fore limbs that end in five digits.
(iv) Feet have webbed digits that help in swimming.
(v) Frogs exhibit sexual dimorphism
Which of the following statements is correct about the respiration in frog?
(i) In frog, cutaneous and pulmonary respiration are found
(ii) A pair of elongated pink hollow lungs are found in thorax.
(iii) During aestivation and hibernation, gaseous exchange takes place through skin.
Following are given four statements (i) - (iv) related to frog. Read the statements carefully and select the option that identifies two correct statements.
(i) The ovaries are situated near kidney and there is no functional connection with kidneys.
(ii) Vasa efferentia enter the kidneys on their side and open into Bidder's canal.
(iii) There are twelve pairs of cranial nerves arising from the brain.
(iv) RBCs are enucleated and contain red coloured pigment namely haemoglobin.
2. Frogs have three modes of respiration. Which one of the following is not a method of respiration in frogs?
3. What is the main function of the nictitating membrane in frogs?
In frog, mesorchium is a thin fold of membrane extending between
Read the following statements (P- T) and select the option that correctly fills (i)- (v).
P. The male frog has a special organ on the throat called _____ (i).
Q. _____ (ii) membrane is a part of ear and serves to receive sound waves.
R. Dermis of the frog contains sac-like ______ (iii) glands
S. Tongue of frog is _____ (iv).
T. ______ (v) respiration takes place in lungs on land.
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