Directions: In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A) : The region outside the seminiferous tubules is called interstitial spaces, which contain Leydig's cells.
Reason (R) : Leydig's cells synthesize and secrete testicular hormones called androgen.
Directions: In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A) : Urethra in human male act as a urogenital canal.
Reason (R) : Urethra carries only urine while sperms are carried by vasa deferentia only.
Directions: In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A) : Large members of mitochondria are present in the middle piece of sperm.
Reason (R) : Numerous mitochondria in the middle piece of sperm produce energy which is required for their movement.
Directions: In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A) : In human male, testes are extra- abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs.
Reason (R) : Scrotum acts as thermoregulator and keeps temperature lower by 2°C for normal sperm production.
Directions: In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A) : Vasa efferentia develop from rete testis.
Reason (R) : Sperm conduction takes place by the ciliary current.
Directions: In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A) : Oxytocin helps in parturition.
Reason (R) : Oxytocin acts on uterine muscle and causes expulsion of the foetus.
Directions: In the following questions a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A) : Endometrium is a mucosal tissue made up of two layers.
Reason (R) : It is an inner lining of the uterus. Each month it thickens and renews itself, preparing for pregnancy.
Assertion (A): The menstrual cycle is regulated by changes in the levels of pituitary and ovarian hormones.
Reason (R): The menstrual cycle begins before a female reaches sexual maturity.
Assertion (A): The process of formation of mature female gametes is called oogenesis.
Reason (R): Only one ovum is released in menstruation.
Assertion (A): The presence of a Y chromosome in sperm determines the sex of the embryo.
Reason (R): The zygote undergoes repeated mitotic division to form a blastocyst before implantation.
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