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Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - NEET MCQ

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20 Questions MCQ Test Topic-wise MCQ Tests for NEET - Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning for NEET 2025 is part of Topic-wise MCQ Tests for NEET preparation. The Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning questions and answers have been prepared according to the NEET exam syllabus.The Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning MCQs are made for NEET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning below.
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Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 1

Assertion: As a whole plant growth is indefinite.
Reason: Plants retain the capacity of continuous growth throughout their life.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 1

The shoot tip tissues in plants are meristematic.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 2

Assertion: For the synthesis of protoplasm nutrients are required by plants which act as source of energy.
Reason: Water provides the medium for enzymatic activities needed for growth.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 2

Nutrients are raw materials required for synthesis of protoplasm as well as source of energy. It should be rich in nitrogenous components to increase the synthesis of protoplasm and carbohydrates for energy and cell wall synthesis. All types of micronutrients and macronutrients should be available for proper growth. Water is required for cell elongation, maintenance of turgidity of growing cells and for providing medium for enzyme action. Even slight deficiency of water reduces growth. It may, however, promote differentiation. Water stress completely stops growth.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 3

Assertion: Both at the root apex and the shoot apex, the constantly dividing cells show the meristematic phase of growth.
Reason: The cells of this region are rich in protoplasm and lacks nuclei.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 3

The root apex, shoot apex and many other regions consists meristematic tissue. By mitotic divisions of the meristematic cells new cells are produced. These cells have cellulosic cells walls, contains large nucleus and rich in protoplasm. It is called the phase of cell formation or cell division.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 4

Assertion: Primary growth of the plants leads to the elongation of the plants along their axis.
Reason: Root apical meristem and shoot apical meristem are responsible for primary growth of the plants.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 4

Growth is unique in plants because plants retain the capacity for unlimited growth throughout their life. These ability of the plants is due to the presence of meristems at certain locations in their body. The cells of such meristems have the ability to divide and self-perpetuate. The root apical meristem and shoot apical meristem are indeterminate meristems, because these meristems continue thier activity throughout life of the plant. Root apical meristem and shoot apical meristem cause primary growth of plants and also causes the elongation of the plants along their axis.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 5

Assertion: Sigmoid growth curve consists of four parts.
Reason: Lag phase is also known as grand phase of growth.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 5

An S-shaped or sigmoid curve is obtained, if total growth is plotted against time. It consists of four parts-lag phase, log phase, phase of diminishing growth and stationary phase. Growth is slow in the lag phase, rapid during log or exponential phase, slow again during the phase of diminishing growth. During the stationary phase growth stops completely. Log phase is also called as grand phase of growth due to fast growth in this phase.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 6

Assertion: Due to environment, the difference in shapes of leaves produced in air and those produced in water in buttercup represent the heterophyllous development.
Reason: The phenomenon of heterophylly is an example of plasticity.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 6

During different phases of growth as well as in response to environment different structures are developed. To cope up with the changes in environment. The plant organs also change their structures, which is called plasticity. Heterophylly is the occurrence of different types of leaves on the same plant in different growth phases or under different environmental conditions. In case of environmental plasticity shown by aquatic butter cup Ranunculus flabellaris, the submerged leaves are highly dissected while the emerged leaves are broad and lobed.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 7

Assertion: The sum of growth and differentiation is development.
Reason: Development in plants is under the control of extrinstic factors only.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 7

In the life of a plant, growth, differentiation and development are closely related events. Development is sum of growth and differentiation. Development in plants is under control of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors include intracellular genetic factors and intercellular factors growth regulators. Extrinsic factors are light, temperature, water, oxygen and nutrition, etc.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 8

Assertion: Secondary roots and shoots are plagiogeotropic.
Reason: Plagiogeotropic roots are those which develop at an angle of 45° from the vertical axis.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 8

Secondary roots and shoots are plagiogeotropic i.e., they grow to a position at an oblique angle (45°) to the gravitational force. Root and stem branches lie at an angle other than 90° to the direction of gravity.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 9

Assertion : Apical dominance is increased by removal of shoot tip.
Reason : Due to accumulation of auxin in lateral parts, growth is inhibited.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 9

Removal of shoot tip increases the lateral dominance not apical dominance. Accumulation of auxin in the lateral part elongates the cells and increases growth.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 10

Assertion: F.W. Went isolated auxin from the timps of coleoptiles of wheat seedlings.
Reason: Ethylene delays the senescence.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 10

F.W. Went isolated auxin from tips of coleoptiles of oat seedlings. Ethylene promotes senescence and abscission of plant organs especially of leaves and flowers.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 11

Assertion: During Vietnam War, agent orange (a mixture of 2, 4-D and 2,4,5-T) was used .
Reason: 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T are used as herbicides.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 11

The first selective herbicides to be discovered and used widely were 2,4-D and its derivatives and are very potent auxins. 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T destroy dicot weeds. They block their sieve elements and disturb mitosis. The plant is ultimately destroyed. Agent orange, which was used in the war in Vietnam as a defoliant is an effective mixture of free 2,4-D and the N-butyl ester of 2,4,5-T.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 12

Assertion: By suppressing the activity of lateral buds, auxins promote apical dominance.
Reason: In moriculture, periodic pruning of shoot tips is done to make mulberry plants bushy.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 12

Auxin is produced by shoot tip that acts as a growth promoter for apical bud and inhibit the growth of lateral buds. When a terminal bud is removed, the nearest axillary buds begin to grow and the plant branches rapidly. In case of mulberry plants, pruning is done to remove apical dominance and causes more branching of the main body of the plant.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 13

Assertion : Auxins help to prevent fruit and leaf drop at early stages.
Reason : Auxins promote the abscission of older mature leaves and fruits.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 13

Auxin delays abscission of young leaves and fruits. Its effect is through nonformation of abscission zone below a leaf or fruit. Abscission zone cuts off nutrients and water supply. However, auxin promotes the abscission of mature or older leaves and fruits.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 14

Assertion : The apical bud is the only source of auxins.
Reason : Removal of apical bud promotes lateral bud growth.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 14

The apical bud is not the only source of auxins. Young developing leaves also produce auxins and it has been shown that auxins from this source may inhibit lateral bud growth. When the apical bud is removed, the lateral buds sprout. However, if a paste of auxin is painted on the cut end of the decapitated shoot, the lateral buds remain inhibited, as if the apical bud is present.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 15

Assertion : Gibberellins induce flowering in long day plants.
Reason : Genetically tall plant become dwarf by application of Gibberellin

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 15

Application of GA can induce flowering in long day plants. It has no favourbale effect on size of flower and fruit in certain plants. The genetically dwarf plants can be made tall by application of GA.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 16

Assertion : Stratification of seeds may promote their germination.
Reason : Stratification is promoted by gibberellin and cytokinins.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 16

Stratification of seeds may affect the disappearance of inhibitors and the buildup of germination promoters such as the gibberellins and cytokinins. Natural stratification occurs when seeds shed in the fall are covered with cold soil, debris and snow. In artificial stratification, layers of seeds are alternated with layers of moistened Sphagnum sand or some other appropriate material and stored at low temperatures.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 17

Assertion: Gibberellins are used in fruits like apple to elongate and improve its shape.
Reason: To speed up the malting process in brewing industry GA3 is used.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 17

Gibberellins are applied to increase the number and size of several fruits e.g., grape, tomato. Size and shape of apple frutis is enhanced by application of GA4 and GA7 mixture. Gibberellins (e.g., GA3) increase the yield of malt from barley grains i.e., malting.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 18

Assertion: In plants, kinetin is found naturally.

Reason: Cytokinin breaks seed and bud dormancy.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 18

The first cytokinin was discovered from degraded autoclaved Herring sperm DNA. It is called kinetin (6-furfuryl amino-purine).

Kinetin does not occur naturally and is a synthetic hormone. Cytokinins help to overcome the apical dominance. It is the ethylene that breaks seed and bud dormancy.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 19

Assertion : Cytokinis are anti-senescent.
Reason : Effects of cytokinins in antagonistic to ethylene.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 19

When cytokinins are added directly to the abscission layer, senescence of the zone is retarded. They delayed the degradation of protein and chlorophyll of the plant parts and hence delay senescence. As they act as anti senescent, they act as antagonistic to ethylene which accelerate senescence.

Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 20

Assertion : Ethylene causes climacteric ripening of fruits.
Reason : Climacteric fruits show a rise in respiration at the time of ripening.

Detailed Solution for Test: Plant Growth and Development - Assertion and Reasoning - Question 20

In most fruits, the rate of respiration will undergo a sharp rise and then fall near the end of ripening. Kidd and West termed this phenomenon "climacteric rise". The climacteric acts as a trigger that sets in progress those changes that rapidly transform the fruit from an unripe to a ripe condition. Finally, application of ethylene to unripe fruit will bring on a premature climacteric and accelerate ripening.

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