Assertion: As a whole plant growth is indefinite.
Reason: Plants retain the capacity of continuous growth throughout their life.
Assertion: For the synthesis of protoplasm nutrients are required by plants which act as source of energy.
Reason: Water provides the medium for enzymatic activities needed for growth.
Assertion: Both at the root apex and the shoot apex, the constantly dividing cells show the meristematic phase of growth.
Reason: The cells of this region are rich in protoplasm and lacks nuclei.
Assertion: Primary growth of the plants leads to the elongation of the plants along their axis.
Reason: Root apical meristem and shoot apical meristem are responsible for primary growth of the plants.
Assertion: Sigmoid growth curve consists of four parts.
Reason: Lag phase is also known as grand phase of growth.
Assertion: Due to environment, the difference in shapes of leaves produced in air and those produced in water in buttercup represent the heterophyllous development.
Reason: The phenomenon of heterophylly is an example of plasticity.
Assertion: The sum of growth and differentiation is development.
Reason: Development in plants is under the control of extrinstic factors only.
Assertion: Secondary roots and shoots are plagiogeotropic.
Reason: Plagiogeotropic roots are those which develop at an angle of 45° from the vertical axis.
Assertion : Apical dominance is increased by removal of shoot tip.
Reason : Due to accumulation of auxin in lateral parts, growth is inhibited.
Assertion: F.W. Went isolated auxin from the timps of coleoptiles of wheat seedlings.
Reason: Ethylene delays the senescence.
Assertion: During Vietnam War, agent orange (a mixture of 2, 4-D and 2,4,5-T) was used .
Reason: 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T are used as herbicides.
Assertion: By suppressing the activity of lateral buds, auxins promote apical dominance.
Reason: In moriculture, periodic pruning of shoot tips is done to make mulberry plants bushy.
Assertion : Auxins help to prevent fruit and leaf drop at early stages.
Reason : Auxins promote the abscission of older mature leaves and fruits.
Assertion : The apical bud is the only source of auxins.
Reason : Removal of apical bud promotes lateral bud growth.
Assertion : Gibberellins induce flowering in long day plants.
Reason : Genetically tall plant become dwarf by application of Gibberellin
Assertion : Stratification of seeds may promote their germination.
Reason : Stratification is promoted by gibberellin and cytokinins.
Assertion: Gibberellins are used in fruits like apple to elongate and improve its shape.
Reason: To speed up the malting process in brewing industry GA3 is used.
Assertion: In plants, kinetin is found naturally.
Reason: Cytokinin breaks seed and bud dormancy.
Assertion : Cytokinis are anti-senescent.
Reason : Effects of cytokinins in antagonistic to ethylene.
Assertion : Ethylene causes climacteric ripening of fruits.
Reason : Climacteric fruits show a rise in respiration at the time of ripening.
9 docs|1256 tests