The cell wall of bacteria is made up of
Which of these bacteria lack a cell wall?
Which element mainly occurs in middle lamella:-
Lignified cell wall is characteristic feature of:-
Cell membrane have how many enzymes :-
Which of the following is main enzyme of plasma membrane :-
Percentage of intrinsic proteins in the total proteins of plasma membrane :–
How many layers are present in the bacterial cell envelope?
Carbohydrates are present in the plasmalemma in the form of :–
Synthesis of cell wall material takes place in :–
What is the cell wall of a plant made of ?
According to fluid mosaic model (proposed by Singer & Nicolson) plasma membrane is composed of :–
The outermost covering of the plant cell is constituted by:
Carbohydrates which present in the cell membrane take part in :–
Plasma membrane is fluid structure due to presence of :–
The most abundant lipid in cell membrane is :–
The chemical substance abundantly present in middle lamella is :–
Plasma membrane is made up of which organic molecules?
The sticky feature of a bacterial cell is due to
Amphipathic molecule in plasma membrane is :-
The average thickness of plasma membrane is :-
Bacterial cell membrane is made up of
Pit membrane of simple pit is formed by :-
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