The chief pigment associated in process of photosynthesis is:
What does C6H12O6 represent in plant photosynthesis?
Each photosystem has all the pigments forming light harvesting system also called as:
Which pigment absorbs the red and far red light?
The C4 plants show higher rate of photosynthesis in:
The essential role of air in the growth of green plants is given by:
Name the central element present in chlorophyll.
Thylakoids possessing four types of major complexes have their membranes made up of both proteins and unsaturated lipids. Which of the following complexes is/are evenly distributed in the stroma and granal thylakoids?
a. Photosystem I
b. Photosystem II
c. Cyt b6-f complex
In photosynthesis, photolysis of water is used in:
How many ATPs are required by Calvin Cycle plants in synthesis of one molecule of glucose
The site in chloroplast which is responsible for trapping for light energy is:
Chlorophylls are the green photosynthetic pigments and out of a, b, c, d and e types of chlorophylls occurring in plants, chlorophyll a and b occur in the chloroplasts of higher plants. Which of the following is the characteristic of chlorophyll b?
The excitation of electrons,finally down-hill to NADP+ causing it tobe reduced to NADPH+2 is:
For fixing one molecule of CO2 in Calvin cycle, required:
The substances like ATP carry energy in:
The photosystem II has reaction centre 680nm absorbs:
In Photosynthesis energy from light reaction to dark reaction is transferred in the form of:
Which of the following statements regarding factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis is incorrect?
Electrons from excited chlorophyll molecules of photosystem II to photosystem I transferred and finally
The number of Oxygen molecules released per photon or quantum of light is called
Which of these features cannot help us differentiate between C3 and C4 plants?
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