In the following questions, choose the word that shows the same relationship as given in the each question.
Lira is related to Italy in the same way as Taka is related to
In the following questions, choose the word that shows the same relationship as given in the each question.
Disease is related to pathology in the same way as Planet is related to
In the following questions, choose the word that shows the same relationship as given in the each question.
Match is related to Win in the same way as Examination is related to
In each of the following questions, there are two terms to the left of the sign :: which are related in some way. Obtain the same relationship between the term to the right of the sign :: from one of the four alternatives given under it.
In each of the following questions, there are two terms to the left of the sign :: which are related in some way. Obtain the same relationship between the term to the right of the sign :: from one of the four alternatives given under it.
In each of the following questions, there are two terms to the left of the sign :: which are related in some way. Obtain the same relationship between the term to the right of the sign :: from one of the four alternatives given under it.
AZB : BYC :: CXD : ?
In each of the following questions, there are two terms to the left of the sign :: which are related in some way. Obtain the same relationship between the term to the right of the sign :: from one of the four alternatives given under it.
In each of the following questions, two words indicated by I and II have been left out.The correct word to come in place of I is given as one of the four alternatives against I and the correct words to come in place of II are given as one of the four alternatives against II. Read the correct words, there is some relationship between the two words to the left of the sign (: :) and the same relationship exist between the two words to the right of the sign (: :). The correct combination is given as one of the four alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D). Find the correct combination in each case.
I : Water : : Thermometer : II
Select the pair in which the numbers are similarly related as in the given pair. 11 : 1210
In the question, choose the set of numbers from the alternative set that is similar to the given set.
Given set: (246, 257, 358)