Sonali had Rs.40 in her piggy bank. She went to a shop to purchase a Notebook of Rs. 55. How much less amount Sonali had, to purchase the notebook.
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Direction: Find the missing number.
43 – ____ = 24
Aviral has 7 blue balls, 8 red balls and 6 black balls. How many balls Aviral has ?
Rishi had 43 oranges. Out of them, 13 oranges were rotten. How many fresh oranges Rishi has ?
There are 15 novels and 16 biographies in a rack. How many total Novels and Biographies are present in the rack ?
Find the missing number.
81 – ________ = 73
Find the missing number.
5 + _______ = 13
Solve the equation:
7 + 9 + 1 + 4 = ?
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