The image of a computing device is given below. Answer the questions that follow:
Which of the parts marked as,, and is not used to give instructions to the computer?
The given image is of a microcomputer. What do you understand by a microcomputer?
Why is the CPU considered the "brain" of the computer system?
The image shown here is of an ______ device, and it is a _____________.
How does a hard disk drive differ from a floppy disk in terms of capacity?
How can you use a computer to talk to your grandparents who live far away?
Which one of the following is the name of the given figure in MS-Paint?
Match the operations given in Column-1 with the key combinations in Column-2.
Identify Mr. X and Mr. Y with the help of their information given below.
Mr. X: “I am a bunch of pages of information connected to each other around the globe”.
Mr. Y: “I am the largest group of computers linked together across the world”.
This computer peripheral allows you to copy information from the computer screen onto paper
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