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What property this does this equation come under ?
What is the reverse integral property of definite integrals?
If the order of the matrix is m×n, then how many elements will there be in the matrix?
Does Rolle’s theorem applicable if f(a) is not equal to f(b)?
Another form of Rolle’s theorem for the continuous condition is _____
The matrix which follows the conditions m=n is called?
The matrix which follows the condition m>n is called as ____________
Function f should be _____ on [a,b] according to Rolle’s theorem.
What is the relation between f(a) and f(b) according to Rolle’s theorem?
Another form of Rolle’s theorem for the differential condition is _____
What is the relation between f(a) and f(h) according to another form of Rolle’s theorem?
What are/is the conditions to satify Lagrange’s mean value theorem?
Lagrange’s mean value theorem is also called as _____
Is Rolle’s theorem applicable to f(x) = tan x on ?
Find ’C’ using Lagrange’s mean value theorem, if f(x) = ex, a = 0, b = 1.
Value after differentiating cos (sinx) is _________
8 docs|148 tests
8 docs|148 tests