A capacitor of capacitance 5μF is charged to a potential difference of 20V. After that, it is connected across an inductor of inductance 0.5 mH. What is the current flowing in the circuit at a time when the potential difference across the capacitor is 10 V?
For a generalised communication system, arrange the following in the correct sequence :
(A) Receiver
(B) Information source
(C) Channel
(D) User of information
(E) Transmitter
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A circuit element 'X' when connected to peak voltage of 200 V, a peak current of 5A flows which lags behind the voltage by π/2. A circuit element Y when connected to same peak voltage, same peak current flows which is in phase with the voltage. Now X and Y are connected in series with same peak voltage. The rms value of current through the circuit will be:
X-rays are different from UV light because it has different __________ from UV light.
The average e.m.f. during the positive half cycle of an A.C. supply of peak value E0 is:
What is the most common application of LC oscillators?
Identify the factor on which self-inductance does not depend.
Identify the factor on which mutual inductance does not depend.
Calculate the mutual inductance between two coils if a current 10 A in the primary coil changes the flux by 500 Wb per turn in the secondary coil of 200 turns.
What is the self-inductance of the coil, if the magnetic flux of 10 microwebers is linked with a coil when a current of 5 mA flows through it?
Determine the self-inductance of a coil, which has a magnetic flux of 50 milliwebers that is produced when a current of 5 A flows through it?
What is the relative permeability of an air-core inductor, if its self-inductance increases from 0.5 mH to 50 mH due to the introduction of an iron core into it?
Which of the following is the unit of mutual inductance?
Which of the following is another term for magnetization?
Which one of the following is feebly repelled by a magnet?
Which among the following has a relative permeability much larger than 1?
Arrange the following in the increasing order of magnetic susceptibility.
Pick out the temperature at which iron becomes paramagnetic?
Pick out the material that cannot be used to make permanent magnets.
39 docs|147 tests