Consider the following statements
Choose the correct statements
With reference to the Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative, consider the following statements:
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
With reference to ‘Card Tokenization guidelines’ announced by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), consider the following statements
Select the correct statements using the appropriate code given below
Consider the following statements regarding ‘Strengthening the Potential of India (SPIN) scheme’
Choose the correct statement/s given above
Consider the following statements regarding ‘Dugongs’
Choose the correct statement/s
Consider the following statements regarding ‘India Plastic Pact’
Which of the following statement(s) given above is/are true
Consider the following statements
Choose the correct statement(s)
Consider the following statements regarding ‘Green Day Ahead Market’
Choose the following statement(s) which are incorrect
With reference to ‘Pradhan Mantri – Mega Investment Textile Region and Apparel Parks (PM MITRA)’, consider the following statements
Choose the correct answer using the code
Consider the following statements:
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Consider the following
Which of the following given above are the features of ‘Gupta Temple architecture’
Consider the following statements regarding Transport and Marketing Assistance (TMA) for Specified Agriculture Products Scheme:
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding ‘United Nations Human Rights Council’
Select the correct statements
With reference to ‘Retail Direct Scheme’, consider the following statements
Choose the correct statements
onsider the following statements regarding ‘Ubharte Sitaare Alternative Investment Fund’
Choose the correct statements
Consider the following statements regarding ‘Black Carbon’
Select the correct statements
Consider the following statements regarding ‘Geological Survey of India’
Choose the correct statements
Consider the following
Which of the following are the applications of Quantum Computing?
Consider the following statements regarding ‘Khadi and Village Industries Commission’
Choose the correct statements
Consider the following statements
Which of the following statements are correct with respect to Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)
With reference to ‘Conjugate Vaccine’, consider the following statements
Select the correct statements
Consider the following statements regarding ‘National Mission on Edible Oils – Oil Palm (NMEO-OP)’
Select the correct statements
Your company is undergoing a serious economic peril. The only way out of this situation is to urgently bring in some public money into the company. However, some of the Directors in the company are against this idea as they think that the time is not ripe for raising public money. You will
You have been nominated the head of a committee that is incharge of setting up roads in a remote village area. This road will give the villagers connectivity to the closest town and aid transport of goods and services. However you notice that the local traders who fear competition from outsiders oppose this and threaten your family and you using the force of some local goons. You will
You got a 2 month internship in the company of your choice and if you do well the company will offer you a job at the end of 2 months. Your boss has given you a project with a deadline to complete it in a month and has promised to provide 2 people for completing the project on time. Two weeks have passed and rather than giving you any more people to help with the project your boss keeps giving you other short term assignments to finish. Also, he/she is pressurizing you and saying that it seems unlikely that you will get the job if you do not complete the project within the given deadline. You will
You are the District Magistrate. There has been an incident in the government hospital. A mob went on a rampage in the hospital after a child admitted with head injuries died allegedly due to the negligence of the Medical Officer on duty. Now the medical officers have complained to you saying that it is impossible to work in such a threatening environment. You will
You have just found that one of your colleagues has been using his official position to secretly demand gifts and favors from the vendors who supply materials to your organization, with the promise to finalize the contract in their favor. Given this situation you will,
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