What does the hermit consider as the most necessary person to do good to?
After the King stopped digging and repeated his questions, what did the Hermit Said?
What was the hermit doing when the king first encountered him near his hut?
Why did some people suggest that the king should have a council of wise men?
Why did the king want to know answers to three questions?
Why did the wounded man intend to harm the king initially?
What was suggested as a possible solution to determining the right time for actions?
What were the three questions the king needed answers to in order to never fail?
What was the king's reaction to the wounded man's confession and plea for forgiveness?
What did the hermit and the king do after the man fainted?
According to the hermit, when is the most important time to act?
What does the hermit consider as the most important business?
What did the king request the hermit to answer when he approached him near his hut?
Who did some individuals in the text consider to be the most necessary people for the king?
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