Directions: Choose the option which does not belong to the group.
Directions: Choose the option which does not belong to the group.
Directions: Choose the option which does not belong to the group.
Directions: Choose the option which does not belong to the group.
Directions: Select the word most opposite in meaning to the given word.
Directions: Select the word most opposite in meaning to the given word.
Directions: Select the word/phrase most opposite in meaning to the given word.
Directions: Select the word/phrase most opposite in meaning to the given word.
Directions: For the word given below, a contextual usage is provided. From the given alternatives, pick the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the given word, in the given context.
Prophylactic: The purpose of the pulse polio drive, where children below five are immunised for free, is prophylactic.
Directions: The passage given below has certain blanks here and there you have to study it carefully.
In order to excel in the work place it is very important for a person to remain devoted and focused. His (i) ______ can help him in excelling. He should be able to deliver his best in performing the duties which have been (ii) ______ to him. His real test lies in seeing how well he conducts himself during the period of (iii) ______. A good businessman should not possess a (iv) ______ ego. He should never (v) ______ an employee because of (vi) ______ behaviour. He should (vii) ______ by his work that he has the capability to (viii) ______ any obstacle that comes in his way of success. He should be able to (ix) ______ the same attitude among his other staff members. His work should not make them (x) ______ but rather should (xi) ______ them.
Directions: Select the most suitable word from the given options and fill blank (i).
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