Directions: In the question, there are four sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words/phrases that are italicised and highlighted. Select the most appropriate words or phrases to form grammatically and syntactically correct sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.
(a) The crime is of huge proportions and the (A) perpetrators / (B) perpetuators must be brought to justice immediately.
(b) Let us contribute our (A) might / (B) mite to the national cause.
(c) The (A) billowing / (B) bellowing cow is really looking for its calf.
(d) The politician has all along treated the constituency as his pocket (A) burrow / (B) borough.
Directions: Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given set of words.
A person who is brief in speech
Directions: Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given set of words.
To turn or twist as if from pain
Directions: Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given set of words.
A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute
Directions: Create a word using all the given jumbled letters in the table and then identify its appropriate meaning.
Directions: Create a word using all the given jumbled letters in the table and then identify its appropriate meaning.
Directions: In the question, there are four sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words/phrases that are italicised and highlighted. Select the most appropriate words or phrases to form grammatically and syntactically correct sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.
(I) The presidential (A) ordinance / (B) ordnance will simply lapse at the end of six months.
(II) (A) Marshal / (B) Martial your resources and get going without any further delay.
(III) The (A) libertarians / (B) libertines express themselves openly in favor of laissez faire.
(IV) The (A) isle / (B) aisle was cluttered with knickknack and even the rows of chairs were disorderly.
Directions: Create a word using all the given letters from the jumbled letters and then identify its appropriate meaning.
Directions: Create a word using all the given letters from the jumbled letters and then identify its appropriate meaning.
Directions: Match each suffix or prefix with its meaning.
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