What is the value of x + y in the following two equations?
The population of microbial bacteria "Gram staminee" increases exponentially as P(t) = aebt. The population of bacteria at the beginning of experiment at 10 a.m. was 20, which grows up to 40 by 12 p.m. What will be the population of bacteria at 3 p.m.?
If P = log23 and Q = log69, which of the following options is true?
If 46 + 12 + 18 + 24 + … + 6x = (0.0625)-84, then what is the value of x?
The radioactive decay of a radioactive element is given as per the exponential function A(t) = A0 × eat, where t is half-life of that element and A0 is the amount of the element present initially. In a disastrous nuclear leakage incident in Chernobyl, in 1992, the level of plutonium-80 was found to be 20 times the safe level. If the half-life of plutonium-80 is 20 years, how long will it take for plutonium-80 level to reach the safe limits?
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