In which year largest cyclone-hit Andhra Pradesh displaced 63,40,000 people?
Statement I: The design and construction of buildings in earthquake-prone zones must include earthquake-resistant features.
Statement II: High-rise buildings and large urban centers are encouraged in areas vulnerable to earthquakes.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
i. Each country has the sovereign responsibility to protect its citizens from natural disasters.
ii. The Yokohama Strategy prioritizes developed countries over developing countries in disaster management.
iii. The decade 1990-2000 was declared the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction.
iv. The plan emphasizes the importance of local community participation in disaster preparedness.
Assertion (A): Earthquakes can lead to significant socio-environmental challenges, particularly in densely populated areas.
Reason (R): Earthquakes primarily destroy physical infrastructure, but have little impact on social and cultural dynamics.
Match the following terms with their description correctly-
Assertion (A): Natural disasters can occur with little or no warning, leading to extensive damage and disruption to communities.
Reason (R): The preparedness and early warning systems are crucial in mitigating the impacts of these disasters.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
i. Earthquakes associated with volcanic eruptions have a more extensive reach compared to tectonic earthquakes.
ii. The Indian plate is moving approximately one centimeter per year towards the north and northeast.
iii. The National Institute of Disaster Management classifies regions into five earthquake damage risk zones.
iv. The Deccan plateau is categorized as a very high damage risk zone due to tectonic activity.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
i. Tsunamis are caused by the abrupt movement of the sea-floor due to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
ii. Tropical cyclones can form in regions with a lack of warm, moist air.
iii. The eye of the storm in a tropical cyclone is characterized by high pressure and cloud cover.
iv. Tsunamis typically cause more devastation near the coast compared to their impact at sea.
Assertion (A): Tsunamis primarily cause more devastation near coastal areas than in the open ocean.
Reason (R): The speed of tsunami waves increases in deeper waters, minimizing their impact at sea.
Where is the Tsunami Warning Center located in India?
The two atom bombs in World war II has been dropped on which of the following:
What is the range of the intensity scale used in measuring earthquakes?
Which of the statements given above is/are correct regarding the socio-environmental consequences and mitigation of earthquakes?
i. Earthquakes primarily affect rural areas and have minimal impact on urban environments.
ii. The destruction caused by earthquakes can lead to the loss of socio-cultural gains preserved by affected populations.
iii. Establishing earthquake monitoring centers can facilitate timely information dissemination to vulnerable areas.
iv. Modifying building designs to be earthquake-resistant is not necessary in high-risk areas.
Arrange the following events in the order they are likely to impact an area after a major earthquake:
i. Disruption of transport and communication links
ii. Immediate rescue and relief operations
iii. Rehabilitation and recovery of victims
iv. Structural damage to buildings and infrastructure
Assertion (A): The Yokohama Strategy emphasizes the sovereign responsibility of countries to protect their citizens from natural disasters.
Reason (R): The strategy prioritizes developing countries, especially the least developed and land-locked nations, in disaster prevention efforts.
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