In a voltaic cell bubbles of hydrogen gas are deposited on one of the plates causing a decrease in the current.
This phenomenon is called
First law of thermodynamics is based upon the principle of conservation of
Which part of human body is the first to be affected by nuclear radiation?
Bacteria break down the dead and decaying plant and animal matter into:
Which instrument is used to measure the turbidity of a water sample?
Which chemical process is employed to recover valuable materials from solid waste?
Nuclear radiations can cause one of the following diseases to eyes when exposed to them:
Which pollutant gas is released by cud-chewing domestic animals?
Of the following isotopes released by a nuclear explosion, which one is of the greatest concern to human health?
Of the following diseases, which occurs in children less than one- year-old who have insufficient food?
Of the following diseases, which occurs in one-to four-year-old children from a protein-deficient diet?
What metal was responsible for the fatal brain disease that afflicated people eating fish caught around Minamata off the Japanese island Kyushu?
Of the following chemicals, tell which is a mutagen or mutation-causing agent.
Where did the epidemic bone-softening disease ItaiItai occur as a result of the presence of cadmium in the environment?
Which disease in children is caused by the intensive use of nitrate fertilisers?
Which technique can map the concentration of sulphur dioxide over a whole town by operating a gadget from one location?
Which technique is employed at sea to detect and determine the position of underwater objects and also sea depth?
Which is the standard scale employed for measuring velocities of winds?
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