Which of the following has the strongest interparticle force at the room temperature?
The change of state from solid to liquid known as –
The boiling point of water on kelvin scale is –
The process of change of a liquid into vapour at any temperature is called –
On increasing the temperature of the liquid the rate of evaporation is –
Which substance undergo sublimation process –
The temperature at which liquid starts boiling at atmospheric pressure known as –
The physical state of matter which can be easily compressed –
Name the process by which a drop of ink spreads in a beaker of water –
The temperature at which a solid changes into liquid at atmospheric pressure is called –
Convert the temperature of 373°C to the kelvin scale ?
Convert the temperature of 270 K to the celsius scale –
Plasma is the.......... state of matter
The process for the change of a solid directly into its vapour is called
Under which of the following conditions we can boil water at room temperature?
Gases have highest rate of diffusion among all the three states of matter.
Camphor changes to gaseous state without changing into liquid.
Water has boiling point equal to 100°C.
Intermolecular forces are maximum in solids and minimum in gases.
Condensing is opposite to evaporating and freezing is opposite to melting.
The large volumes of gases can be put into small volumes of cylinders because of their property known as compressibility.
Kinetic energy of molecules is directly proportional to
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