A parole program offers prisoners a chance to be released from prison early subject to various conditions. A violence risk assessment conducted by a qualified psychologist is an essential step in an effective parole screening process because such an assessment will prevent prisoners who are unsuitable for early release from being considered for parole.
The conclusion above depends upon which of the following assumptions?
Temporary-services firms supply trained workers to other companies on a temporary basis. Temporary-services firms lose business when the economy shows signs of beginning to weaken. They gain business when the economy begins to recover but often lose business again when the economy stabilizes. These firms have begun to gain business in the present weak economy. The economy therefore must be beginning to recover.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the above argument depends?
When unemployment rates are high, people with full-time jobs tend to take fewer and shorter vacations. When unemployment rates are low, people tend to vacation more often and go away for longer periods of time. Thus, it can be concluded that full-time workers’ perceptions of their own job security influence the frequency and duration of their vacations.
The argument above assumes that
Advertisement: Attention pond owners! Ninety-eight percent of mosquito larvae in a pond die within minutes after the pond has been treated with BTI. Yet BTI is not toxic to fish, birds, animals, plants, or beneficial insects. So by using BTI regularly to destroy their larvae, you can greatly reduce populations of pesky mosquitoes that hatch in your pond, and you can do so without diminishing the populations of fish,frogs, or beneficial insects in and around the pond.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A teacher separated his students into three groups: successful, borderline successful, and unsuccessful. Sixty percent of the teacher’s students were placed in the first category, fifteen percent were placed in the second category, and twenty-five percent were placed in the third category; the teacher concluded that most of his students were successful.
In order for the teacher’s conclusion to be logically correct, it is necessary to assume that?
A company's personnel director surveyed employees about their satisfaction with the company's system for awarding employee performance ratings. The survey data indicated that employees who received high ratings were very satisfied with the system. The personnel director concluded from these data that the company's best-performing employees liked the system.
The personnel director's conclusion assumes which of the following?
In 1990 all of the people who applied for a job at Evco also applied for a job at Radeco, and Evco and Radeco each offered jobs to half of these applicants cants. Therefore, every one of these applicants must have been offered a job in 1990.
The argument above is based on which of the following assumptions about these job applicants?
The legislature of the Philippines voted recently to abolish the death penalty. In contrast, the death penalty remains legal in the United States. The difference in the legality of capital punishment demonstrates that the majority of American citizens believe in the death penalty, while the majority of Filipino citizens do not.
Which of the following is an assumption upon which the above argument depends?
Generally, marine biologists enter their field with the goal of doing important new research. They expect their colleagues to have similar goals. Therefore, when any marine biologist becomes a household name in the field of documentary nature films, most other scientists conclude that this biologist should no longer be regarded as a true colleague.
The explanation offered above for the low esteem in which marine biologists who make documentary films are held by research scientists assumes that
One of the most important events for modern astronomy was the series of collisions, during a single week in 1994, of more than a dozen large objects with Jupiter. The collision of these objects, which once formed most of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, resulted in formations that showed no signs of water. There was thus no water involved in the collisions, so we know that none of the comet’s fragments penetrated to Jupiter’s lower atmosphere and that the comet was composed of rock rather than ice.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
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