Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
Direction: In the following question, parts of a sentence have been jumbled. You are required to rearrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and mark your response accordingly by selecting the correct option.
1. We should plan our leisure carefully.
P. The activity we choose should make us happy.
Q. We should choose some interesting and useful activity.
R. It should increase our confidence.
S. We should then work at it during our leisure.
6. That is the way to be healthy, wealthy and happy.
Direction: In the given sentence a word is given in bold and is followed by four words. Select the word that is most opposite in meaning to the bold word.
The juice was insipid but it had to be consumed in order to take effect.
By looking in a mirror, it appears that it is 5 : 55 in the clock. What is the real time?
In a code language, COMBINE is written as MOCCENI. How will ADVANCE be written in that language?
How many degrees does the minute of a clock cover in the same time in which the second-hand covers 3240°?
During Republic Day parade at India Gate, Deepak is ninth from the front in a troop of 49 soldiers. Sam is 29th from the back of the troop. How many soldiers are marching in between Sam and Deepak?
Dino selected the 9th camera from the left in a row of 60 cameras. How many cameras will be present on the right side of Dino's selected camera?
If 8th February 2002 is a Friday then what will be the day on 8th February 2017?
Which of the following statement is true with respect to the given information?
Direction: Given below are two quantities named I and II. Based on the given information, you have to determine the relation between the two quantities. You should use the given data and your knowledge of Mathematics to choose among the possible answers.
Quantity I: 6 kmph
Quantity II: A boat sails in still water at 5.5 km/h, but takes thrice as long to sail upstream than downstream. Find the speed of the stream.
Direction: The following question is accompanied by two statements I and II. You have to determine which statements(s) is/are sufficient/necessary to answer the questions.
Find the time taken by 8 men, 4 women and 6 kids together to complete the piece of work.
Statement I: 6 men and 4 women together can complete the work in 12 days and 1 man and 8 women together can complete the work in 17 days.
Statement II: The ratio of efficiencies of a woman and a kid is 5 : 2.
House R uses electricity in only two types of appliance i.e., food and electronic, the ratio of the number of units of electricity consumed by food appliances to the electronic appliance in the month of June is 2 : 3, while the ratio of the units of electricity consumed by food appliance to electronic appliance in the month of July is 3 : 2. Find the total number of units of electricity consumed by food appliance in house R in both the month together.
In house S, the number of units of electricity used in the month of August is the average of the number of units of electricity used in the month of June and July. The initial 150 units of electricity used in August is charged at the rate of Rs. 3 per unit and the remaining units are charged at the rate of Rs. x per unit. If the total bill paid in August is Rs. 1745, then find the value of x.
Calculate total profit or loss earned in October 2020 and December 2020.
Direction: In the following question, three statements are given. You have to find which is/are necessary and sufficient to answer the following question.
An amount was distributed among Anirudh, Aravind, and aditya. what is the share of Adhitya in total amount.
I. The ratio of the shares of Anirudh and Aravind in the amount is 15 : 19
II. The ratio of shares of Aravind and Aditya in the amount is 8 : 15
III. The difference between the shares of Aditya and Anirudh in the amount is Rs. 6,600.
Direction: In the following question, three statements are given. You have to find which is/are necessary and sufficient to answer the following question.
Find the ratio of speeds of the lion, dog, and fox.
Statement I∶ For every 10 jumps of the lion, the dog takes 7 jumps and the fox takes 12 jumps.
Statement II∶ The lion, the dog, and the fox cover distances of 4 m, 12 m, and 3 m respectively in one jump.
Statement III∶ The distance covered by the dog in 5 jumps, the distance covered by the lion in 15 jumps, and the distance covered by the fox in 20 jumps are equal.
Direction: Read the following statements and find out whether they are sufficient or not to answer the given question.
What is the ratio of the age of A to that B?
I. Sum of the age of A, B and C is 15. C is the eldest whereas A is the youngest. Age of A is more than 3 years. No two of three are of the same age.
II. Difference between the age of B and C is 2. Sum of age of A and C is 12
III. Different between age of A and D is equal to the different between the ages of D and C.
Age of D is 30. Age of A > D > B.
A pipe can fill a tank with water in 20 hours but due to leakage at the tank in it's bottom, it takes 40 hours to fill the tank. In what time the leakage will empty the fully filled tank.
A 145 m long train crosses a 655 m long bridge in 36 seconds. What is the speed of the train?
The value of 16 (sin6θ + cos6θ) - 24 (sin4θ + cos4θ) is equal to:
By selling cloth at Rs. 9 per meter, a shopkeeper loses 10%. Find the rate at which it should be sold so as to earn a profit of 15%?
Two taps X and Y can fill a Bucket in 36 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. Another tap Z can empty the bucket in 30 minutes. After seven minutes of opening X and Y, Z is also opened then find the total time in which the bucket will be filled?
Mr. Sharma takes a loan of Rs. 25000 and pays an amount of Rs. 31000 at the end of 2 years. What is the rate of simple interest at which he pays the loan?
Populations of two villages X and Y are in the ratio of 34 ∶ 43 respectively. If the population of village Y increases by 125000 and the population of village X remains unchanged the respective ratio of their populations becomes 17 ∶ 24. What is the population of village Y?
Which one among the following countries have the maximum number of neighbours?
Which of the following Indigenous people live in the steppes of Russia?
Who released the new book, "Revolutionaries: The Other Story of How India Won Its Freedom," in January 2023?
10 tests