The molecule which dissolves in water is called _______
Plasmids and ________ have the ability to replicate within bacterial cells independent of the control of chromosomal DNA.
The sequence of DNA from where replication starts is called _______
What helps in identifying the successful transformants?
Selectable markers are the genes which code for resistance to _______
The process by which a foreign DNA is introduced into bacteria is called ______
What may complicate the process of gene cloning within the cell?
Which plasmid of Agrobacterium tumifaciens leads to tumor formation in dicots?
Which divalent cations are usually used to make competent cells?
The cells which have the ability to incorporate foreign DNA within them are called ______
The method by which recombinant DNA is directly injected into the nucleus of an animal cell is called ________
What temperature is suitable for heat-shock treatment?
Which metal microparticles are used in gene gun?
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