What is the angle of dip at a place where the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field is equal to the vertical component?
How can a magnetic field be produced?
Which one of the Maxwell’s laws leads to the conclusion that there are no magnetic field loops that are not closed?
What is the relation between dipole moment pm, volume of bar magnet V and intensity of magnetization M?
If we place a bar magnet in the magnetic meridian with its north pole towards geographic north, the neutral point will be:
Which combination of magnetic field lines and poles shows two magnets repelling each other?
Magnetic field strength due to a short bar magnet on its axial line at a distance x is B. What is its value at the same distance on the equatorial line?
When the switch is closed a magnetic field is produced by the coil. Which option shows the shape of the field?
If the magnet is suspended at an angle 30° to the magnetic meridian, the dip needle makes an angle 60o with the horizontal. What is the true dip?
A compass has a small balanced pointer that always points North-South. This is because:
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