Only One Option Correct Type
Direction (Q. Nos. 1- 10) This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Set of continuous atomic numbers of elements are present in the same group as well as same period.
The element with atomic number 62 belongs
The radius of lanthanum is 1.06 Å. Then which of the following is closest to the radius of Lu3+ ion
+ 4 ion of which has half-filled 4f subshell
Lanthanide for which + II and + III oxidation states are common is
Across the lanthanide series, the basicity of the lanthanide hydroxides
Gadolinium belongs to 4f series. Its atomic number is 64. Which of the following is the correct electronic configuration of gadolinium?
Which one of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect for lanthanides?
One or More than One Options Correct Type
Direction (Q. Nos. 11-15) This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding lanthanides?
Observe the following statements. Which is correct statement regarding lanthanides?
The colourless ions among the lanthanides are
The correct statements among the following are
Which of the following pairs have same atomic size?
Comprehension Type
Direction (Q. Nos. 16 and 17) This section contains a paragraph, describing theory, experiments, data, etc. Two questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct answer among the four given options (a), (b), (c) and (d).
The observed oxidation state of lanthanides either in solution or in insoluble compounds form tripositive cations. Based on the ionisation enthalpies and hydration energy factors, it is concluded that tripositive species is more stable than di or tetrapositive species in aqueous solution. In general, ions having half-filled (Tb4+ , Eu2+ , Gd3+) or completely filled 4f orbitals (Yb2+, Lu3+) or noble gas configuration (La3+, Ce4+) are stable. This is supported by their SRP values. Ions with + 4 oxidation state act as oxidising and ions having + 2 oxidation state act as reducing agents. Ions having same number of unpaired electrons in f-orbitals possess same colour.
Observe the following equations.
Sm3+(aq) + e- → Sm2+ (aq), E° = - 1.55 V
Eu3+(aq) + e- → Eu2+ (aq), E° = - 0.43 V
Yb3+(aq) + e- → Yb2+ (aq), E° = - 1.55V
Based on the above equations, the correct reducing strength is in the order of
The observed oxidation state of lanthanides either in solution or in insoluble compounds form tripositive cations. Based on the ionisation enthalpies and hydration energy factors, it is concluded that tripositive species is more stable than di or tetrapositive species in aqueous solution. In general, ions having half-filled (Tb4+ , Eu2+ , Gd3+) or completely filled 4f orbitals (Yb2+, Lu3+) or noble gas configuration (La3+, Ce4+) are stable. This is supported by their SRP values. Ions with + 4 oxidation state act as oxidising and ions having + 2 oxidation state act as reducing agents. Ions having same number of unpaired electrons in f-orbitals possess same colour.
Q. Which is correct statement?
Matching List Type
Direction (Q. No. 18) Choices for the correct combination of elements from Column I and Column II are given as options (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which one is correct.
Match the Column I with Column II and mark the correct option from the codes given below.
One Integer Value Correct Type
Direction (Q. Nos. 19-23) This section contains 5 questions. When worked out will result in an integer from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Number of species that have half-filled 4f subshell among Gd, Lu, Eu, Yb, Eu2+ Gd3+ ,Eu3+ ,Ce4+ ,Tb4+.
Number of unpaired electrons in ytterbium is/are
Number of diamagnetic lanthanide ions among
La3+, Ce3+ Ce4+, Gd3+,Yb2+,Yb3+,Lu2+, Lu3+ are
Number of good reducing agents among
Ce4+, Eu2+, Sm2+,Yb2+,Tb4+,La3+ Ce3+ are
The highest oxidation state shown by any transition element is
Statement Type
Direction (Q. Nos. 24 and 25) This section is based on Statement I and Statement II. Select the correct answer from the codes given below.
Statement I : The second and third rows of transition elements resemble each other much more than they resemble the first row.
Statement II : Due to lanthanide contraction, the atomic radii of the second and the third row transition elements.
Statement I : Many trivalent lanthanide ions are coloured both in solid state and in aqueous solution.
Statement II : Colour of these ions is due to the presence of f-electrons.
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