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NEET Mock Test - 2 - NEET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test NEET Mock Test Series - Updated 2025 Pattern - NEET Mock Test - 2

NEET Mock Test - 2 for NEET 2025 is part of NEET Mock Test Series - Updated 2025 Pattern preparation. The NEET Mock Test - 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the NEET exam syllabus.The NEET Mock Test - 2 MCQs are made for NEET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for NEET Mock Test - 2 below.
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NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 1

The velocity 'v' of a particle at time 't' is given by 'v' = where 'a', 'b' and 'c' are constants. The dimensions of 'a', 'b' and 'c' are

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 1
'at' must have the dimensions of velocity.

So, let the dimensions of 'a' be [MxLyTz].

[MxLyTz][T] = [M0L1T-1]

[MxLyTz] = [M0L1T-2]

Hence, the dimensions of 'a' = [L1T-2]

c should have dimensions of time as c and t are added. (Two physical quantities which are added or subtracted should have same dimensions)

Only option (1) satisfies the given result.

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 2

A particle moves for 20 seconds with velocity 3 m/s, then moves with velocity 4 m/s for another 20 seconds, and finally moves with velocity 5 m/s for the next 20 seconds. What is the average velocity of the particle?

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 2

Average velocity and instantaneous velocities have same value in a uniform motion. Average velocity is that uniform velocity with which the object will cover the same displacement in same interval of time as it does with its actual variable velocity during that time interval.

Here, total distance covered

= (3 m/s × 20 s) + (4 m/s × 20 s) + (5 m/s × 20 s)

= (60 + 80 + 100) = 240 m

Total time taken = 20 + 20 + 20

= 60 s

∴ Average velocity = 240/60 = 4m/s

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 3

A block of ice of mass 10 kg slides down an inclined 5 m long and 3 m high. A man pushes up on the ice block parallel to the incline so that it slides down at a constant speed. The coefficient of friction between the ice and the incline is 0.1. Find the work done by the man on the block. (g = 10 m/s2)

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 3
From the figure, sin θ = 3/5 and cos θ = F.D.B. of the block

F = force by the man

f = frictional force

N = normal reaction of the surface

mg = gravity

Since the block slides at a constant speed,

mg sin θ = F + f

⇒ F = mg sin θ – f

as f = μ mg cosθ

(A) Wm = cos 180 = – FS

Here, F = 52 N and S = 5 m

⇒ Wm = –52 5 J = – 260 J

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 4

Two blocks of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are connected by a metal wire going over a smooth pulley as shown. The breaking stress of the metal is If g = 10 ms-2, what should be the minimum radius of the wire used if it is not to break?

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 4

If r is the minimum radius, then

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 5

A drum of radius R full of liquid of density d is rotated at ω rad/s. The increase in pressure at the centre of the drum will be:

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 5
When an incompressible and non-viscous liquids flows in streamlined motion from one place to another, then at every point of its path, the total energy per unit volume is constant.

where P is pressure, p is density, v is velocity and h is height.

Also, v = Rω; where R is radius and ω is angular velocity.

Since velocity at the centre is zero and density p = d, we have

Thus, increase in pressure,

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 6

A car moving with a speed of 50 km/h can be stopped by brakes after at least 6 m. If the same car is moving at a speed of 100 km/h, the minimum stopping distance is

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 6
Using v2 - u2 = 2as

As v = 0,

s' = 4s = 24 m

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 7

When three identical bulbs of 60 W, 200 V rating are connected in series to a 200 V supply, the power drawn by them will be

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 7
Power of each bulb = 60 W

When three bulbs are connected in series, power drawn will be

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 8

A spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces such that one piece is double the length of the other. The force constant of the longer piece will be

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 8
The force constant of a spring is inversely proportional to its length. A spring of length L is cut into two pieces of lengths x and (L - x), such that x = 2 (L - x) or x = 2L/3

The force constant of the spring of length x is related to the force constant k of the complete spring of length L as,

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 9

The ratio of the velocity of sound in hydrogen (γ = 7/5) to that in helium (γ = 5/3) at the same temperature is

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 9
Velocity of sound in a gas


NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 10

The magnetic field at a distance r from a long wire carrying current i is 0.4 T. The magnetic field at a distance 2r is

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 10

Magnetic field at any point due to the straight wire is inversely proportional to the distance from the wire.

Magnetic field at a distance 2r from the wire is B'.

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 11

Mobility of free electron in a current carrying conductor is proportional to

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 11

Mobility of free electron depend upon relaxation time

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 12

A potential difference of 10 V is applied across a conductor of length 5 cm. If drift velocity of electron is 2 x 104 m/s, then electron mobility in (m2V-1s-1) will be

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 12

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 13

A galvanometer of resistance 50 Ω gives full scale deflection at 3 mA current. What should be value of shunt so that it can measure a current of 28 mA?

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 13
IgRg = RS(I - Ig)

50 x 3 = Rs (28 - 3)

= 6 Ω

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 14

A charged particle moves through a magnetic field perpendicular to its direction, then

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 14
Momentum of the particle will change and kinetic energy remains same.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 15

Match List-I with List-II:

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 15

Step 1: Find the dimensions of each quantity.

Dimensions of gravitational constant, [G] = [M-1L3T-2]

Dimensions of gravitational potential energy, [U] = [ML2T-2]

Dimensions of gravitational potential, [U] = [L2T-2]

Dimensions of gravitational intensity, [I] = [LT-2]

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 16

Statement I: (Newton's 1st Law of Motion) Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line except in so far as it be compelled by an externally impressed force to act otherwise.

Statement II: It is observed that when a car brakes suddenly, the passengers are thrown forward.

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 16
If the net external force on a body is zero, its acceleration is zero. Acceleration can be non zero only if there is a net external force on the body.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 17

The hybridisation and the geometry of ICl3 in liquid phase are ____ and _____, respectively.

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 17
ICI3 has T-shaped structure with sp3d hybridisation.

In ICl3, there are three bond pairs and two lone pairs, which are arranged in trigonal bipyramidal geometry.

It is T-shaped. Two of the bond pairs occupy axial positions and the third one occupies equatorial position.

The two lone pairs, therefore, are arranged at equatorial positions by making an angle of 120° with each other.

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 18

The resistance of 0.01 N solution of an electrolyte was found to be 210 ohm at 298 K, using a conductivity cell of cell constant 0.66 cm−1. The equivalent conductance of the solution is

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 18

Hence, the equivalent conductance of the solution is 314.29 Scm2eq−1 or 314.29 mho cm2eq−1.

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 19

Match the following types of vegetations with their forest zones and select the correct option.

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 19
On the basis of temperature, vegetation is divided into four groups:
  • Megatherms: Plants growing in high temperature throughout the year, e.g. tropical rainforest.

  • Mesotherms: Plants growing in alternate high and low temperature, e.g. deciduous tropical forest

  • Microtherms: Plants growing in low temperature, e.g. coniferous forest

  • Hekistotherms: Plant growing in very low temperature, e.g. alpine vegetation

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 20

'Antiparallel strands' of a DNA molecule means tha

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 20
J.D Watson and F. H. C Crick (1953) showed that DNA has a double helical structure with two polynucleotide chains connected by hydrogen bonds and running in opposite directions (anti-parallel). The 'anti-parallel strands' of a DNA molecule means that the phosphate groups at the start of two DNA strands are in opposite positions (pole).
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 21

An obligate parasite is one which

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 21
An obligate parasite or holoparasite is a parasitic organism that cannot complete its life-cycle without exploiting a suitable host. If an obligate parasite cannot obtain a host it will fail to reproduce.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 22

A lake with an inflow of domestic sewage rich in organic waste may result in

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 22
A lake with an inflow of domestic sewage rich in organic waste may result in death of fish due to lack of oxygen as its level goes down due to algal bloom. These substances can overstimulate the growth of algae, creating conditions that interfere with the recreational use of lakes and estuaries, and the health and diversity of indigenous fish, plant, and animal populations.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 23

Megaspore mother cell differentiates from

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 23
One of the hypodermal cell of nucellus in the micropylar region act as megaspore mother cell.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 24

An E. coli having a heavy DNA molecule labelled with 15N is allowed to grow in a medium with normal 14NH4CI. Which of the following is correct for DNA molecules that were extracted from the culture after 40 minutes?

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 24
After 40 minutes, there will be two hybrid DNA and two light DNA. Therefore, overall density of DNA becomes less than that of parent DNA.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 25

Mark the odd one w.r.t. Mendel’s laws of inheritance.

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 25
Mendel’s experiments had a large sampling size, which gave greater credibility to the data that he collected.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 26

Directions: In the following questions a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as :

Assertion: Protozoans have physiological division of labour.

Reason: They have a well-developed cell, tissue and tissue organ system.

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 26
Protozoa are microscopic unicellular eukaryotes hence they neither have a well-developed cell, tissue and tissue organ system nor physiological division of labour.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 27

Which of the following statements does not characterise an ecosystem?

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 27
It is just the reverse statement as an ecosystem is considered to be stable in the ecological sense if its structure and functions remain more or less the same throughout the year.
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 28

The chronological order of human evolution from first human – like being the hominid is possibly

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 28
The correct sequence of human evolution is Ramapithecus → Australopithecus → Homo habilis → Homo erectus → Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthal man) → Homo sapiens
NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 29

Match the columns and select the correct option.

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 29
  • Mature follicles are known as graafian follicles which occupy a single cavity called antrum and contain a secondary oocyte ready for ovulation.

  • Ruptured graafian follicle is called corpus luteum (a temporary endocrine gland which secretes progesterone hormone for the maintenance of pregnancy).

  • Corpus luteum loses its yellow colour and becomes inactive, and is transformed into a small cell mass called corpus albicans.

  • Degenerated follicles are called atretic follicles.

NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 30

Which of the following can be introduced by bacterial vaccines?

Detailed Solution for NEET Mock Test - 2 - Question 30
Vaccine induced immunity is also known as artificial active immunity. A person can build a resistance to a disease following an immunization.
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